The biggest improvement Nihao My Concubine has over the previous movie is its pacing. The first movie only really has 3 parts to it It felt like much didnt happen. Meanwhile this movie does much more with 14 minutes less runtime. You have Each part feels vastly different in tone making the movie feel more distinct and like more is happening. The movie is a great example of the heros journey done well with falling and rising action. Speaking of the cast.
Unlike the previous movie Nihao My Concubine contains all of the main cast. Except Kodachi but shes the least important main cast member so I can live with that. They are also in arguably more prominent roles than in the 1st movie where Ranma did most of the fighting. Each cast member gets some time in the spotlight
The ending is also amazing especially with how the status quo is upheld In Big Trouble in Nekonron its played off as a joke which isnt the worst but its handled so much better in this movie. It provides a very emotional ending to the movies climax.
Despite its shorter runtime this movie also gives background on Toma and why he would go through with his actions which makes more sense than the villains motivations in the 1st movie.
Due to the unique island setting the main cast is seen in different outfits than normal which makes the movie stand out more. The are great as well especially female Ranmas design is toptier. Due to the island setting Ranmas appearance is much closer to 50/50 than in the previous movie which is a plus in my books.
The last thing to note is the soundtrack. The scene where Toma is revealed has some grand music to go with it which builds up the tension and sounds great. But the real highlight is the ending theme A Piece of Love. It sounds amazing and might be my favourite Ranma 1/2 ending theme out of all of them.