The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store is several things besides a anime movie. Its a metaphor for darwinism and evolution as well a reminder for what the Earth has lost due to the selfishness of mankind. Its a story about a women struggling to adapt to her new job at a department store for animals of all shapes and sizes.
The film showcases several species of animals from small to large to giant. The ones the films chooses to focus on are the ones that dont exist anymore. The animals that either couldnt adapt to their environment or were cruelly hunted to extinction. Each animal provides a lesson for our heroine as well as a reminder of their own existence. The best thing this movie does is that is takes the idea of darwinism and survival of the fittest and shows it through the lens of shopping at a department store. The best parts of the film werent the ones where Akino struggled then overcame the challenges brought forth by the animal customers but the times where she didnt do it alone. Two prime examples were the barbary lion and japanese wolf segments. In both cases it took a group of animals and humans respectively to solve each case. A beautiful metaphor for that idea that the lives of creatures are supported by others. Humans coming together to solve problems and maybe if animals had that same level of support they could as well. But that is just human ego talking but its a nice thought. When different creatures come together maybe things could have been different. Maybe different species could have relied on the skills of others to survive against a threat that no individual animal or species could have on their own.
Metaphor is the most important aspect of this film. It is even brought up within the film that the entire department store itself is a fantasy playground. A place where animals of all kinds can come and be waited on by humans in an attempt to apologize for their wrongdoings. A place where survival of the fittest doesnt exist and animals can shop not for anything the need to live but simply for the joy of it. Truly a first world blessing.
The movie itself was well animated with beautiful unique backgrounds and well drawn animal characters. They were anthropomorphized buy not in a human way. They were simply themselves but bipedal for the most part which is an important distinction to make for a film like this. They have that sense of realism blended with the fantasy of the department store. Another reminder that these are real animals that do exist or at one time did.
The human characters were probably the weakest aspect of the movie aside from Akino. Mr. Todo provides comic relief and commentary but his otherwise cartoony antics do little to either move the plot or add conflict. Granted there is enough conflict working in retail without having your manager breathing down your neck. The other concierges felt more like filler to add more human elements to the story without adding anything more the plot or conflict. It was actually Mr. Maruki who had the most impact of the minor human cast. An example of how cruel age and experience is in survival but how not being able to adapt to a rapidly changing environment is detrimental to ones chances of survival. Despite being seen for a brief section of the film he is a paradox of a character but thats what makes him so critical to the story as a whole. He mattered not just for the plot but for the message and theme the movie was trying to convey.
The animal characters were of course the strongest aspect of the movie. Providing insight to their real life counter parts behaviors through the lens of department store shoppers. The variety and circumstances each one conveyed was nothing short than enjoyable to watch. They even included every retail workers nightmare in the form of an impossible to please shopper. The fact that the movie takes place around Christmas was a very nice touch given the setting. There were so many little things that make this movie so great.
The ending was the best part. All the story line came together and we got to see all of Akinos hard work come to fruition. The lions filmed the past characters we met and we the audience got to experience a beautiful scene of al the different animals being showcased. A message of we are still here. There were some parts the films metaphor and message that were heavy handed. The fact that Great Auk went extinct the same year the first department store opened in Paris was a slap in the face. How many of those animals showcased were killed for satisfy the same human greed that first store was built for. The ice sculpture breaking as a symbol for the end of a species life. Nothing last forever. Life is a fleeting melting ice. But instead of being sad about it move forward and try to find joy in the present. That is my personal feelings to what the movie was trying to convey. But I might not be correct and there may be no one correct interrelation of the movies message. Thats what makes it a truly beautiful film. The subtext is whatever the viewer wants it to be. It can be examined in multiple ways and from multiple perspectives. To me that is the making a great story and a better film.
The Concierge at Hokkyouku Department Store is many things. It is a gift to all the animal species killed by humans a legacy to their existence so they may never be forgotten and an apology for what has been lost.