Every once in a while I come across an anie that leaves me feeling oddly conflicted. Seiren is one of those... Its not bad in the traditional sense thingit doesnt have abysmal animation... horrendous voice acting... or a completely nonsensical plot. But at the same time its difficult to call it good because for everything it does right theres something holding it back... If anything Seiren is a prime example of an anime that had potential but never quite figured out what to do with it... Though it takes me a lot of time to seek some scenes. At its core Seiren is a romance anime following Shoichi Kamita a high school boy with a mild personality and an uncertain future. This show adopts an omnibus format meaning... instead of one continuous love story each heroine gets her own fourepisode arc exploring a what if scenario of her relationship with Shoichikun. On paper this setup should have worked at some point. Multiple storylines allow for variety and the shorter arcs mean we can jump into different dynamics without being tied to a single pairing for too long. But despite having a framework that should make for an engaging romance Seiren stumbles in executionmainly because none of these relationships feel particularly real... Romance Without Chemistry The key to any romance anime is the chemistry between the characters. It doesnt matter how wellwritten an individual character isif their connection with the protagonist feels weak then the entire romance falls flat. And thats exactly what happens here... Thats all. Shoichikun relationships with the heroinesHikarichan the energetic class idol with a secret parttime job Toorusan the reserved gamer girl with a surprising competitive streak and Kyoukochan his childhood friend who just joined the Home Economics Clubnever quite reach a level where I can believe in their love stories. At best their interactions come across as casual friendships that never develop into anything deeper. At worst they feel like forced pairings with no natural progression. I dont expect like... every romance anime to have grand dramatic love stories but there needs to be some sense of connectionsome small moments that make you feel like the characters truly get each other. And Seiren for the most part doesnt deliver on that. The relationships just happen... and as a result none of them leave much of an emotional impact. A Protagonist Without Presence Part of the problem lies with Shoichikun himself. Hes not an aggressively bad character but hes painfully bland. He lacks the charm depth or even the lighthearted awkwardness that could make him relatable. His personality is so nondescript that he ends up feeling more like a placeholder than an actual protagonist. Romance anime dont necessarily need their main character to be super charismatic but they do need them to be someone we can root forand Shoichikun just isnt that... Unfortunately the heroines dont help much either. Hikarichan while the most lively of the three doesnt get enough development to make her story compelling. Toorusan starts off interesting but her arc gradually loses steam. And then theres Kyoukochan who is quite frankly the least engaging of them allher arc feels more like an obligation than an actual story the writers wanted to tell. Aesthetics Atmosphere On the production side of things Seiren is passable but unimpressive. The animation handled by Studio Gokumi is functional though there are moments where character movements feel stiff and unnatural. That said there is one standout visual moment in episode 4 that genuinely surprised meits rare for a show like this to have a scene thats beautifully animated but this one for whatever reason got extra attention. The voice acting is competent with each actor fitting their role well enough. The opening and ending themes are pleasant though not particularly memorable. Its the kind of soundtrack that works in the moment but isnt something youd actively seek out afterward. The Quirky Side of Seiren One thing I will give Seiren credit for is that its not afraid to be weird. It occasionally throws in these bizarre almost surreal moments that leave you wondering whether the show is playing it straight or just having fun with its own absurdity. Theres a character with a strangely intense love for bunnies a video game that revolves around deer battling and some odd dialogue choices that make you question whether youre supposed to laugh or just roll with it. These quirks dont necessarily save the show but they do give it a certain charm. If Seiren had leaned more into its eccentric side while also improving its character dynamics it might have been a much more memorable experience. Final Thoughts A Romance Anime That Lacks a Beating Heart At the end of the day Seiren isnt the worst romance anime out there. Its watchable it has its moments and if youre in the right mood you might even find it mildly entertaining. But its also an anime that struggles to justify its own existence. The romance lacks depth the characters dont leave much of an impression and the story never truly takes off. If youre looking for a romance anime that will sweep you off your feet Seiren wont do that. If you just want something light with some oddball humor and dont mind a forgettable cast then maybemaybeits worth a shot. But in the end... Seiren is like a love story that never quite reaches its climaxit just drifts along never fully committing never leaving a lasting mark. And in a genre where emotions and connections are everything thats perhaps the biggest flaw of all... Rating this for like... 79/100 although its totally unrelated to my own immersion... like some beginning to climax. Anyway thats all see you on another anime review
79 /100
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