The movie Go Princess Precure Movie: Go Go Gouka 3bondate is the second feature film related to Go Princess Precure. Although the series is among the best in the franchise I dont think the same can be said for the movies. I suspect this may have been a deliberate choice considering how much work went into the series and the fact that Go Princess Precure sold poorly economically. That said this movie is not terrible at all even though it is clearly very experimental. For the first and only time it is also divided into three parts.
The first part is titled Cure Flora and the Mischievous Mirror. Its a short story entirely made in 3D with no voice acting and has a runtime of 5 minutes. Artistically it is very cute the CGI is high quality and its a nice way to introduce the theme of the next parts pumpkins. Its not even a story that connects in any way to Precure but thanks to its brevity it is not harmful at all.
The second part is titled The Pumpkin Kingdoms Treasure: this is the longest segment and thus the one with the most narrative effort. However the results were rather modest as the basic plot is the usual one: the Precures are tricked and brought to another kingdom by the villain who has taken control of the state by manipulating the royals then a princess is found a fight ensues and the story ends. I dont know why they are so stuck on this narrative structure. Speaking of original characters I feel like too much focus was placed on the pumpkin concept which is overdone in their outfits. The narrative idea behind them is simple and not original but its still quite cute and functional for creating a moving story: the king and queen are manipulated into forgetting their daughters existence and their passions focusing only on wealth but then recover thanks to the protagonists and abandon their riches to reunite with their daughter who is their true treasure. The problem is that viewers barely get to know these characters making it hard to empathize with them or properly celebrate their reunion.
The antagonist has a design I like and his ability to use crystals is also very nice but he didnt convey much emotion either. I appreciated the fight against the Precures before he transformedits the bestanimated nonCGI part of the film for the rest the technical level was very standard. Regarding the protagonists there isnt much memorable either as they mainly participate in a Princess Competition. I would highlight Haruka who uses her experience making pudding with her family to convey her feelings to Pumplulus parents and Towa who is the most suspicious of Warp from the start. On the other hand Im not convinced that Minami didnt think about it at all. Im glad all three got exclusive forms given the recent trend where only the leader Precure had one. Pafu and Aromas involvement was good as they actively contributed to reaching Princess Pumplulu.
Finally the third part is titled Pretty Cure and Refis Wonder Night and is also entirely in CGI. However unlike the first segment there is a lot of action and the models are more similar to those in the endings achieving a high technical level. The style is quite charming. The plot is simple more of an excuse to showcase the quality of the CGI. They try to capture the viewers emotions but due to the short runtime 20 minutes I dont think the goal was fully achieved. The Zetsuborgs shown are quite clumsy which makes them amusing. I also appreciated the connection with the second part as the character the Precures help is the doll given to Haruka by Princess Pumplulu.