Fairy Tail such a popular shounen manga and anime that started being hated for alot of reasons such as the power of friendship insane amount of fanservice and some others that thinking that this show is a Naruto and One Piece rip off. Is this show any good? Well sort of. 620https://i.ur.com/QRjw2Hd.png I have alot of mixed feelings about Fairy Tail I love it but at the same time I dont. I love alot of character from the show such as Zeref Lucy Gray etc. and I love alot of moments that touched my heart through the series its truly a show that means alot to me as a person. But why do I said that this show fell off and I dont love it too? First of all lets talk about the common reasons why to hate Fairy Tail: Power of Friendship Of course the power of friendship is what people thinking at the second they hearing the name Fairy Tail do I hate it like the others do? Well no. Sure it can be annoying sometimes and for some people it can be annoying alot more. To me? If its just not something that goes too far I dont mind much. Fanservice Now thats a common thing in anime morden anime especially you see alot of female characters with revealing clothes. In my opinion its not a bad reason why to hate shows that having alot of that me personally I dont hate it or like it. One Piece/ Naruto rip off Even tho I prefer both shows by a mile I will never say that Mashima copied them in order to write Fairy Tail. Yes of course Shankss design does looks similar to Gildarts but Gildarts is actually based of Gale Glory from Rave Master AKA one of Mashimas older works. I never knew how to describe the Naruto copy because thats more specfic reasons when people saying that Mashima copied Naruto. Overall those 3 common things why to hate Fairy Tail is not the reason why I have mixed feelings about that I think its time to go straight to the point finally 620https://i.ur.com/BLHTkoy.jpg For Me Fairy Tail is wasted potential and this arc saying a lot. First of all lets talk about how the previous series ended Fairy Tail series 2 aka Fairy Tail 2014 After the Tartaros arc Makarov has closed the Fairy Tail guild and every member left the place because of that. Then we had a timeskip that features us Natsu Happy and Lucy together once again but without the guild and after that we got a nice credit roll that seems like its going to be the end of the show but it doesnt. Now lets start about how this the Final Season started Now as Natsu and Lucy tried to bring back Fairy Tail they tried to find all the other members first of all Wendy and Carla that were with Sherria and the other members from Lamia Scale she also became a singer with Sherria with the name Sky Sisters duo. After bringing them back they found Juvia that saying that Gray left her and became evil they found Gray and what he wanted to do eliminate everyone that doesnt adore Zeref Natsu and Lucy defeated Grays Team and then Gray started helping them and joined bruh then we got Erza back and with all the help at the end when every other member came back The Strauss siblings Cana Gajeel Lily Levy and all the others the guild has came back. But no Makarov so wholl be the new master? Erza... Well thats what I thought until we saw Makarov in this season as well so now lets get into the most important things in this seasons. 620https://i.ur.com/3euT9q5.jpg The fights Now this arc had a bunch of fights some of them I did like abit and some of them I hate alot. Lets start with Laxus vs Wall Eehto The fights was pretty one sided to be fair still I didnt forget that Laxus got nerfed in Tartaros because his fight against Tempester but still Laxus is a very strong mage and could beat Wall in a pretty cool way I aint lie I do think however that his new powerup The red lightning was abit unnecessary. 320https://i.ur.com/APy6XSE.jpg Now what about Mirajane vs Jacob This is one of the absolute dumbest fights I watched in shounen because of how dumb was Jacobs weakness to how he lost the fight. 320https://i.ur.com/AAmdgss.png Sting vs Larcade Wow probably the most boring fight in this arc Sting and all the others that fought with him there Rogue Minerva Yukino and Kagura against Larcade was pointless but at the end Sting got new power up and won its not my most hated fight but one of them. 320https://i.ur.com/03Rtjqg.jpg Jellal vs Neinhart Now to those who know me I hate Jellal more than anyone else in the universe but I must admit he was pretty cool in this fight but only when he finished Neinhart. This fight actually started with Erza against this guy but when he created evil dolls of Erzas old enemies Kyouka Azuma and Ikaruga Erza started to struggle and fainted in the battefield this is when Jellal entered rage mode and finished Neinhart with one ability. Cool moment I aint lie but when Jellal said I came here to defeat Zeref yeah we heard about you for sure... 220https://i.ur.com/8ZItkT9.jpg 220https://i.ur.com/7RtX6Dq.png 220https://i.ur.com/3xqyESa.png Gray and Juvia vs Invel A somewhat okayish fight with alot of pros and cons similar to the Jellals fight against Neinhart Gray got rage mode as well against Invel after this guy made him hurt Juvia. The adaptation for this fight was actually shcoking because unlike 99 of the Fairy Tail fights in the anime this fight had blood not a bad one but not a good one as well. 220https://i.ur.com/2QLXaZO.png 220https://i.ur.com/9foSGuS.png Gajeel vs Bloodman I hate this fight alot Gajeel scarficed his life just for defeating Bloodman and then got back to life in short its wasted emotional moment. 320https://i.ur.com/QHrsWqV.jpg Erza vs Ajeel So this is probably the fight I remember the best among all the others somehow Erza lost at the start so she switched armor to a new armor name God Wind but she still lost. At the end Erza just used her Nakagami armor The same armor she used to beat Minerva during GMG and one shotted Ajeel and then again Erza fainted. 220https://i.ur.com/pVsKfnB.jpg 220https://i.ur.com/ZY3dM59.jpg Wendy and Sherria vs Dimaria An absolute weird fight the weirdest moment was of course when Ultear came back as young as she was and helped Wendy and Sherria against Dimaria also for some reason she also stripped Kaguras clothes during the mid fight... 220https://i.ur.com/ouxogoE.png 220https://i.ur.com/NzErBba.png Gildarts vs August Wow Gildarts fought against someone stronger than him. Did he won somehow? No August just killed himself due to his tragic backstory. 220https://i.ur.com/I3yUvSH.png 220https://i.ur.com/Zz782TU.jpg Erza and Eendy vs Irene Similar to the previous match I mentioned Erza vs Irene took a few eps to finish Irene used some cool abilities during the fight and I think its probably my fav fight among all Irenes backstory was really cool to be honest. At the end Irene did like August and ended herself... 220https://i.ur.com/jhVak0V.jpg 220https://i.ur.com/yo8Hzgw.jpg Lucy vs Brandish Probably so far its the fight with the most background here Lucy and Brandish had alot in common and their parents even knew each other. Brandish even had a target why defeating Lucy in order to take Aquarious Lucy thanks to her new star dress ability has beaten Brandish Id say this is probably the most normal fight in this whole arc. 320https://i.ur.com/LMMi0pn.png Theres also Fraud Serenas fight but its not even worth mentioning it was lame... Now after I talked about all the fights against the Spriggan 12 lets talk about the biggest fights in this arc Natsu vs Gray So Natsu is the E.N.D. wow shocking right? No. This fight was close for each side to win but Mashima didnt want us to know whos stronger even tho its obv Natsu so he gave Erza a role in this fight to stop them after she fought against Irene because in this fight she didnt faint. 420https://i.ur.com/DyoCkEn.jpg 220https://i.ur.com/4rB2mv9.jpg Natsu vs Zeref So Natsus is Zerefs brother? Not really shocking if you ask me to be fair it wasnt that much bad fight. Sure Zeref used the Fairy Heart transformation and it made Natsu to look like hes going to lose but because Zeref care so much about Natsu he just let Natsu win . And like with August and Irene Zeref ended himself but also with Mavis. 420https://i.ur.com/0CDUz0u.jpg 220https://i.ur.com/yi8OSbO.jpg And for last and least fav among everyone who watched/read Fairy Tail... Everyone vs Acnologia So this is when they abused the power of friendship used the entire world to end the final boss of the series and only a few episodes after the fight against Zeref ended Yes it rushed Lucy gathered all the energy from the world in order to defeat Acnologia Like Goku vs Kid Buu fight in DBZ and it worked well and fast. 420https://i.ur.com/5aJnd3m.jpg 420https://i.ur.com/VNO2YGh.jpg Ok I think I talked way too much about the fights in this arc what about the animation it was good? NO. It was even worse than in Tartaros man I dont even know what I need to say more. Overall this is how every big fight was in this arc some of them lame as hell and some of them were just real I didnt even mentioned Makarovs fake death and how it made this arc to look even worse. And now I think its time for me to finally explain myself why I think that Fairy Tail is wasted potential. Remember when Erza defeated everyone easily? Remember when Elfman and Cana were relevant to the story arc and had important rule in the story arcs? Why we bearly see this anymore in the show? Anyway Fairy Tail has truly made a ride and I cant rate it too low even with the fact I mostly talked negative about this seasons I still think they had some good backstories characters and at least soundtrack is a thing that always good in this show. And now the Oracion Seis turned to allies. Gremorie Heart defeated and also Tartaros and now Zeref and Acnologia too. Seems like we can finally call it the end of Fairy Tail right? 620https://i.ur.com/OQ2qYCq.jpg Well it seems that no... Fairy Tail even got worse after that.
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