This review contains Spoilers for Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . With the Summer 2024 season approaching every romcom lover including me was excited for the enormous hype revolving around Roshidere. During that period I accidentally came upon the poster for a new addition highlighting 3 girls with either short or blue hair and a random dude chilling in the back. This was in fact the formula for the show. The story of romcoms losing heroines and their perspectives. The story without a core protagonist. Welcome to the dark horse of the season. Welcome to Makeine. Production quality Since youve finished listening to the OP above Im sure youre well aware of how A1 Pictures performed. This is perhaps one of the most wellproduced romcoms in a minute. Let me elaborate. 2200 In short the animation is breathtaking. From stellar shots to just simple movement being so fluid and satisfying to see that it urges the audience to go check out the studio adapting it. The characters look amazing and move so fluidly that it often prevents the viewers from noticing the incredibly aesthetic and detailed background there were actual manga volumes in one episode as well as the camera angles. They masterfully collaborate handdrawn shots and CGI to the point where nobody questions anything about the visuals. Be for real. If you complainin about Makeines looks then youre exceedingly picky and Im coming for you. As if having those wasnt enough theres actually an even more important aspect when it comes to the execution of Makeine. The voice acting. Holy crap it is good. It has no business being that good. The seiyuus picked embody their characters perfectly and make it so that each one is enjoyable. Not only that by the time the series moved on to heavier topics and drama the enjoyable voices turned into emotional performances that forced one to empathise. Already wellknown VAs like Shion Wakayama Takina from Lycoris Recoil Nanahoshi from Mushoku Tensei and Atsumi Tanezaki Frieren from Sousou no Frieren and Futaba from Rascal does not dream as well as promising VAs such as Hikaru Toono and Momoka Terasawa brought the series to life and added the touch it needed. The soundtrack fit perfectly in touching moments and the creators were kind enough to provide us with gorgeous EDs for each and every arc. All good enough to be listed as bangers. All of this doesnt mean you should sleep on the characters and their writing either. Lets move on to the main cast and why literally picking any of the losing heroine as your favourite wouldnt bother me. The star of the show 2200 Yanami Anna is undoubtedly the icon. Thats easy to understand because I keep getting bombarded with her edits whenever I open social media. She has the most recognizable design out of the losers and on top of that her personality is a mood. With her bubbly nature and carefree attitude she captures the attention of the audience singlehandedly delivering most of the comedy and trendy dialogues. She is an absolute unit of a personality. We first get to see the reality of losing heroines situation from her whole thing with her childhood best friend Sosuke whom she had unrequited feelings for. I must say it felt really nice to explore the losing side in depth and comprehend just how tragic it is for them. Yanamis arc was definitely weaker compared to the other twos but what can I say? If you got blue hair in a romcom youre getting robbed. As a gluttunous woman once said Youre either the childhood friend or the homewrecker. UWAGIDAYO Dont worry though. Its quite obvious shes gonna end up as Nukumizus partner. Bittersweet Lemon 2200 Yakishio Lemon probably has the best and saddest arc in the show. Shes a sporty girl who loves running. Shes deeply in love with her childhood friend Mitsuki and has been locking those feelings up. Its sort of like her coping mechanism to run. Mitsuki has a girlfriend and Lemon does not have a place to fit in inside his heart. Everything starts hitting in the feels when she accidentally tells Mitsuki that she had fallen in love with him. The viewers learn of her perspective how she felt horrible for having this intrusive glimmer of hope that Mitsuki might actually come to love her and not his current gf Chihaya. Even more tragic when Mitsuki explains that he did have feelings for her in the past. Naturally Lemon being the mature teenager that she is after running away organizes her thoughts and talks it out with Mitsuki and Chihaya. feel her soul 2200 Then enters best girl Komari Chika a shy girl from the literature club who has social anxieties and feelings for her club prez. No wonder she got two arcs. Her voice acting specifically the stuttering and the high pitch reactions always impressed me. Shes the most interesting and the most considerate one in the group. Remember the time when she immediately called Yanami when she thought Nukumizu was about to get bullied or the time when she voluntarily went running with Lemon something shes bad at in order to give Nukumizu and Yanami some alone time? I remember. Her chemistry with Nukumizu with other characters in general was always the finest. Her first arc was of course about her losing. In this case shes the homewrecker. The club prez and his childhood friend Tsukinoki are senpais who truly cherish Komari. However during the process Komari falls in love with the prez which leads to quite a drama. Contrary to what everyone believed she suddenly confessed to him out of the blue. Atfer the display of courage there she was rejected but still managed to maintain her loving relationship with her seniors. Her second arc gave off the best atmosphere so far in the show. Tsukinoki and the prez were getting ready to graduate so they left the responsibility of the club to Komari. A sentimental and nostalgic feeling overwhelmed me personally as I thought about my own graduation. The literature club was the only place aside from her home where Komari felt at home so she felt the strong need to preserve it. The pressure driven from the responsibility was huge and Komari didnt want to rely on anybody else. She wanted to do this for herself and for her senpais but this only created more pressure. Who knew she could shout like that? Nukumizu saved the day. The protagonist? 300 Nukumizu Kazuhiko is the main character of the show. Supposedly. The reason Im saying that is because he doesnt act like one. He views himself as a supporting character in others romance stories and forces the viewers to feel that way too. He doesnt even have to be the protagonist because hes already the best supporting character you could have. Every arc I mentioned every tragedy I talked about in this review wouldnt have been solved peacefully without Nukumizu. He doesnt like standing out but when somebody needs him hes always there to talk. Always there to think of them first. Lastly I guess I havent talked about the comedy. Such random ass visuals and random bold jokes were used to make it a more enjoyable experience for both the watchers and staff themselves. What do you do when writing and production are both superb? Trust me. It may sound simple and small from my explanation alone but if you give it a chance itll hit hard. Some might relate some might simply empathise. Makeine shits on generic romance tropes and excels at the tropes they do implement. Thus creating peak a romcom devoid of corniness. A certified classic in years to come. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Click here for more goated reviews 520
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