A train wreck from beginning to End. I cant recommend this manga for the plot the nudity and the implied sex are nice if youre into that type of thing but they dont make up for poor writing. If your looking for an older fan service manga thats barely digestible this might be one of your tickets Im sure theres others that are better than this one. This ended up being a hard story to follow and it doesnt feel very well constructed. Theres confusion with the introduction of new characters midway through and the size of the cast leaves little depth to be explored in any of the interactions. While theres something to enjoy with the big breasted mc Yoshida her overall attitude is crap and how she treats everyone around her including Azumi..Having her gain a love interest in the opposite mc Azumi at least gave her character some depth until after the midpoint when things had to be turned on their heads. WhileI was hoping for a lovey dovey MC goes strictly lesbian romance but that didnt happen. The feelings that Azumi had for Yoshida where the only things that really had any depth to them. But even she cant find a steady closure with Kobayashis addition and then subtraction from the series he comes back to create a what if and then we get to the final chapters and its time for another table flip. The amount of time skips and curve balls with no meaning is just asinine. As soon as you get used to one pairing or something going the way you expect its turned on its head without a proper explanation. Why did we need a Yoshida clone? Was it to keep Azumi busy while the wrapped up the Im actually a lesbian yoshida arc. Using the Suzuki hero of the day in the building collapse to get pregnant with a child while also being a well known model/actress for her relationship with Azumi was just dark. Why didnt she stay with Suzuki his entire dream of being with? We never got to see how she went from female to male to female love interest just the end results Almost everyone appears to be is air headed and having a hard time communicating with each other. Except the short stack Ozu. He knew what he wanted and Yuzu. If Suzuki would have gotten to actually have a free will before the last 10 panels that would have been nice im glad that things where left with that glimmer of hope that Suzuki gets with Yuzu. Overall Im trying to find nice things to say about this series but Im not there wasnt enough depth and it shows. If youre going to spend time making something dont make this please. A train wreck from beginning to End. I cant recommend this manga for the plot the nudity and the implied sex are nice if youre into that type of thing but they dont make up for poor writing. If your looking for an older fan service manga thats barely digestible this might be one of your tickets Im sure theres others that are better than this one. This ended up being a hard story to follow and it doesnt feel very well constructed. Theres confusion with the introduction of new characters midway through and the size of the cast leaves little depth to be explored in any of the interactions. While theres something to enjoy with the big breasted mc Yoshida her overall attitude is crap and how she treats everyone around her including Azumi..Having her gain a love interest in the opposite mc Azumi at least gave her character some depth until after the midpoint when things had to be turned on their heads. WhileI was hoping for a lovey dovey MC goes strictly lesbian romance but that didnt happen. The feelings that Azumi had for Yoshida where the only things that really had any depth to them. But even she cant find a steady closure with Kobayashis addition and then subtraction from the series he comes back to create a what if and then we get to the final chapters and its time for another table flip. The amount of time skips and curve balls with no meaning is just asinine. As soon as you get used to one pairing or something going the way you expect its turned on its head without a proper explanation. Why did we need a Yoshida clone? Was it to keep Azumi busy while the wrapped up the Im actually a lesbian yoshida arc. Using the Suzuki hero of the day in the building collapse to get pregnant with a child while also being a well known model/actress for her relationship with Azumi was just dark. Why didnt she stay with Suzuki his entire dream of being with? We never got to see how she went from female to male to female love interest just the end results Almost everyone appears to be is air headed and having a hard time communicating with each other. Except the short stack Ozu. He knew what he wanted and Yuzu. If Suzuki would have gotten to actually have a free will before the last 10 panels that would have been nice im glad that things where left with that glimmer of hope that Suzuki gets with Yuzu. Overall Im trying to find nice things to say about this series but Im not there wasnt enough depth and it shows. If youre going to spend time making something dont make this please.
50 /100
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