My 1st battle shonen. Despite what people say its pretty damn good. 160 My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia was the 1st battle shonen I watched that actually invested me. Im a big Marvel and Dc fanboy have been since like 3rd grade. So when I was getting into anime in the 7th grade after Death Note one of my friends at the time who I cant even remember the face of mind you recommended me this show. And i found myself hooked on it within 3 episodes. It seemed silly and fun. Hell its also the series that got me into manga in the 1st place. Its something thats been with me the last fucking what like 6 years? And now Im going to fucking college. I have had a lot of criticisms of this series as time went but its still been a series Ive always enjoyed despite them. Enough of the cooking recipe website shit. 10000 So why should I read this manga? My Heros cast has a genuinely fun cast to watch grow as the series goes on interesting villains whether some fumbled or not decent pacing often times fucking fantastic art pictured below. Theres a lil something for everyone in here if youre new to manga maybe you can use this to try and identify what exactly you might like in series whenever you pick apart things you enjoy about it. Wow Is there any reason to not read it? The series does have times where the pacing is pretty out of wack. Its never egregious til the last arc of the series though. And when it does get bad it does have some good payoff. Theres also a good chunk of fan service which might be a turnoff which is fine and I understand. Other than that as of writing this theres no big reason to not check it out and give it a good fair chance. Characters The cast is full of enough people where youre bound to relate to a handful of them and their struggles. Theyre all fun I dont think i ever really actively despised any specific character being on screen except maybe Mineta but he was never that big in your face with his perverse shit. The superpowers or quirks are also all pretty fun and cool to see do shit. Like you have basic stuff here and there but even with the basic stuff its fun to watch due to how the powers are applied to fights. Bakugo can do cool explosions but the way he applies his powers and learns to make them better through techniques is genuinely just entertaining as hell. The main star of the show characters to me is mainly Shigaraki and Endeavor. I found them both to be fascinating characters with intriguing story arcs. There was never a moment where I wasnt having fun seeing them do things. Endeavor especially. Notes about my own review 70 This series has genuinely been there for me for such a long time it feels unreal. When I look back at those times it fills me with a ton of nostalgia for just... how fucking simple things were. They werent all pretty but it wasnt bad. I wasnt agonizing trying to find a job. I wasnt having to pay out the ass to go to college. But I wouldnt turn back time for anything. The people I have in my life right now the things Ive experienced since are irreplaceable. It feels super strange to see this series reach its conclusion but Im glad it was able to reach that point. This series has never been my favorite but its part of what led me to find a lot of them. Like peak 120 Final score for My Hero Academia:
85 /100
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