English is my second language there may be errors in my grammar.. I try to make a spoilerfree review however in the section opinion might have some spoilers. General experience Final score. My personal score is based in 5 star system so I tried to put an accurate number here but isnt always the case. Locate Brief Conclusion + Recommendation section where the main points are summarized. Experience with Moebana I Tsukumo Fukakusa is an otaku obsessed with an anime based on flowers. He finds a deep love in the characters that are the representation of different bouquet who express a wealth of emotions that resonate with him. Coupled with his spirited personality Tsukumo enjoys talking to everyone with sincerity being hard to deal with him due to his honest nature. One day he discovered a peculiar bouquet at the school entrance that made him remember his favorite character sparking his interest in the art of flower arrangement. Combined with his knowledge of flowers this led to him being scouted by the Ikebana club fueled by his fervent love for 2D characters. However entering a world where talent vision technique and aesthetic sense areessential will a novice like Tsukumo survive in this demanding environment? O When I first started reading this manga it only had one chapter but it immediately caught my interest because it centered around a theme I hadnt encountered often in anime and manga: Ikebana. Ikebana is the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement considered one of the three classical Japanese arts of refinement. Intrigued I did some research and eagerly awaited more chapters. Sadly the manga ended on March 20 2023 after only 28 chapters a relatively short run for a Jump manga. 200https://ur.com/t1qYWNu.png 200https://ur.com/rPp6hd5.png While I dont want to dwell on this too much there are other mangas I adore that explore unique Japanese culture themes. For example Chihayafuruhttps://anilist.co/manga/43245/ portrays Karuta a competitive card game based on Hyakunin Isshu the classic collection of 100 Japanese poems. I even wrote a review of this story S1https://anilist.co/review/20735 S2https://anilist.co/review/20742 S3https://anilist.co/review/20786 which is remarkably popular despite its niche theme. Similarly theres a manga based on Rakugo the traditional Edoera storytelling art that relies heavily on the skill of the storyteller. I discovered this through the anime Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuuhttps://anilist.co/anime/21733/ Interestingly another Jump manga released the same year as Moebana focuses on Rakugo has gained significant popularity with almost 100 chapters Akane Banashihttps://anilist.co/manga/144866/. My main takeaway is that perhaps we werent ready to grasp the profound aspects of Ikebana. This manga beautifully portrays the idea of giving life to flowers highlighting the diverse characters who represent different Ikebana schools each with their unique traditions and philosophies on expressing the art through arrangements. Over the course of the manga we encounter three out of five schools allowing us to contrast their distinct principles. We see how they speak with flowers add sparkle to everyday life with flowers and explore other captivating concepts. The manga skillfully combines the best elements of a typical school drama with a rarely explored theme beautifully depicted through its artwork. You can almost sense the characters conviction when they express that flowers are alive more than just mere decoration. They must analyze the flowers condition and environment incorporating their own vision into the arrangements. From a club activities Ikebana offers a variety of competitions where members can participate in challenges with diverse themes that demand that they utilize their skills teamwork and knowledge. 200https://ur.com/MSiMaQD.png 200https://ur.com/H55AJB4.png Each character possesses a distinct personality and approach to Ikebana. However the story felt rushed especially in the half leading to underdeveloped characters and overwhelmed yet exciting introductions. This manga needed more time to be fully appreciated and digested allowing readers to immerse themselves in the beauty of Ikebana. 200https://ur.com/O7PE44n.png 200https://ur.com/XlSryTS.png Cs + R This story blends the moe aesthetic of anime with the exquisite beauty of Ikebana the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement. When Tsukumo discovers this world hes determined to create the most captivating moebana arrangements expressing the enchanting stories each flower holds. With an innovative concept that draws upon one of Japans finest cultural and historical arts it reveals that the art is more than just combining beautiful flowers each element has a specific meaning to convey and each character strives to express their unique approach. Despite its strong points including stunning artwork and the expressive portrayal of the arrangements the manga didnt receive much support this led to a rushed development. Its a shame the story features interesting characters scenarios and a new view about flowers. While Moebana would benefit from more time to become truly memorable it shares a common goal with other popular titles that delve into unique sports/competition and scenic japanese arts. These stories all aim to showcase oftenoverlooked aspects of Japanese culture and reveal the unique enjoyment they offer to those who appreciate them. Overall even though its a short read I enjoyed it. I acknowledge its flaws but it has the potential to further explore its world and characters. Moebana is a story that reminds us that art can be found in the most unexpected places often overlooked by the casual observer. 500https://ur.com/orPSmqO.png s s ss
70 /100
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