The oversaturation of the Isekai genre is still as prevalent as today with random isekai series and light novels still popping off every month putting high and mighty over its unique quirk but never actually getting the highs it wants to be. Despite how dense the haystack is one needle inside shines above the rest and even burns the haystacks around it and that is Konosuba. Konosuba is a series where it takes the fantasy isekai genre and makes fun of everything that comes into its path from the absurdity of its fantasy world to the ridiculous premise to its unbelievably addicting yet terrible characters that become good characters because of how terrible they are as people. These unique aspects of the series are being mixed together to create an overthetop comedy isekai series that never lets go of its firm grip at the highest position for being one of the most respected isekai shows out there. However if you are looking for a show that prioritizes deep character development and the immense creativity of its worldbuilding Konosuba is not for you. The intentional stagnating feeling over its world and characters and the underwhelming exploration of the world arent really the point of the show Even though it has provided a wonderful sprinkle of drama in the last few episodes. The series is best described as a sitcom set in another world where you follow these absurd characters on their adventures and you just have to laugh along the way. Theres no deep character development or any huge revelation where there is a significant shift of goal for these characters this is just a show that knows itself to be a fullon comedy show and sticks with it while also providing heartfelt moments on the side for us to be attached with these characters. And because of that there is concern that certain comedy animes especially those that have a specific niche tend to fall off as the jokes get stale as the episodes and seasons get along but with the case of Konosuba the series still holds firm and still provides something thats absurd funny and entertaining capturing the same spirits emitted from Season 1 Episode 1. If youve been a viewer of Konosuba since season 1 chances are you will love season 3 just as much as you love the entire series as a whole. The impressive feat of Konosuba holding on for being one of the funniest shows out there and still holding firm onto its plotline and jokes from the sea of an oversaturated and polarizing genre proves that the Isekai sub genre has a lot of potential to have wonderful storytelling or execution depending on the story the creator wants to tell and for a comedy Isekai series Konosuba is the one who will be on top for a very long while.
80 /100
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