Originally Reviewed on Serializd If you are a fan of anime in any sense of the word then chances are that you have noticed a prevalent problem with the genre that is still around to this very day: they dont get much time to tell their stories. Of course this isnt the case for every anime show out there but for a wide majority of them they are usually limited to a set amount of episodes usually around 12 or 13 in order to tell their stories and while there have been plenty of shows that manage to accomplish what they set out to do in that amount of time plenty have fallen flat in that regard ultimately making them either inferior to their source or to many other shows as a result. Although then you run into those rare cases where even with the extra time it couldve been given it probably wouldnt have turned out any better which is pretty much the case with Amuri in Star Ocean. I had no clue what this show was before finding it while browsing on the internet and from what I saw it looked harmless enough. It only had three episodes and it didnt seem like anything that would waste my time too much so I figured I would binge watch the whole thing to see if it was anything all that special and that right there ladies and germs was a massive mistake. For you see while a lot of circumstances could play into why this OVA ended up turning out like this at the end of the day this was still a pretty bad show one that I didnt enjoy at all throughout the entire time I spent watching it. I will admit there were several elements about it that I could appreciate such as the decent action scenes and how it was so short meaning I didnt have to suffer that much but that couldnt save it from just how irritating boring and uncomfortable this show is as a whole. The story is fairly generic being nothing you havent already seen before a million times and while that would be the worst thing about the story naturally the fact that it barely takes the time to properly deliver it to you is also kind of a big deal the characters are all extremely generic with none of them coming off as that likable memorable or cool to watch with the exception of maybe Pulmo because having a 3year old girl running an entire space armada is just hilarious the voice acting is decent enough getting the job done and portraying as much emotion as these characters should be able to have the animation is pretty poor looking like it came straight from an animestyled PS2 game which makes sense given the fact this was made in 2008 but that doesnt make it look any better the action scenes again are pretty decent with there being some neat powers shown off and some fun sequences but it does suffer a lot of the time from either being too fast or having too much on screen to the point where you can barely tell what is going on and there are frequent points in the show where they have the main characters who are 13 and 12 years old respectively don extremelyrevealing clothing in order to use the powers that they have against their foes............. I probably dont need to tell you why that is just wrong. Ignoring all of that other shit for a second though yes even the last thing I mentioned if there was one thing this show suffers from the most out of everything is that it barely takes any time to spell out anything for the audience. From the beginning you are just dropped into this story with little to no clue as to what is going on who any of these people are and why they are there and while they do take the time to try to explain some stuff about this world it is bypassed pretty quickly to get to whatever else they want to show off in the episode. Sure you can get an idea about everything that is generally going on by the end of it but not only is it too little too late by that point but none of it is enough to make me care about any of these characters or what they are going through for even a fraction of a second. This could all be pinned on the fact that this show is only 3 episodes long which in itself doesnt give them that much time to do anything with this plot in a timely manner but even then Im pretty sure if they turned this into a movie they couldve done a much better job at explaining things and making it all feel cohesive and understandable......... it wouldnt make it that much better but it at least would be just that liiiiiiiitle bit less irritating to sit through. Overall despite some neat action scenes and some semblance of an idea of what these guys are doing this is one of the worst OVAs that I have ever seen in my life not only being extremely generic and having plenty of the elements that I dont like from these types of shows but it also fails in the basic fundamentals of storytelling while also providing no acceptable substitute to make up for it making for a boring tedious and irritating mess. Dont even bother watching this because there is really nothing here worth seeing or remembering so that we can all just forget that it exists and it will fade away into the ether once again to never be heard from again. I dont even have a joke to end this on cause it is almost midnight and I am going to bed now so BYE
20 /100
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