La siguiente resea est en Espaol e Ingls traducida con el apoyo de DeepL
La versin leda es la traduccin al espaol por Okita Sougo perteneciente a Kami no Fansub
Su adaptacin animada me haba decepcionado an cundo tena los elementos para una tpica y divertida historia harem las situaciones y arquetipos me resultaban poco inspirados demasiado calcados de otros exponentes del gnero consiguiendo que no lograr destacar. Un da me tope con algunas ilustraciones de su manga y se vean muy geniales as que decid dedicarle una oportunidad para saber si ah se consegua aprovechar sus bases.
Miura es un increble dibujante durante su tiempo de publicacin era de las obras con mejor dibujo de la Jump. Los paneles para las ilustraciones de batallas muy frecuentes durante los ltimos arcos de la obra exhiben fuerza y energa nada que envidiar con los otros grandes nombres para la revisita y por supuesto tena atractivas chicas de todas las proporciones que tambin estaran en las otras situaciones fuera de la batalla en los muy acostumbradas malentendidos cadas y complicaciones y si con una experticia de dibujo igual de dedicada que durante la accin.
Diferente es su habilidad como escritor poco cambia con lo visto en el anime hay un gran elenco de chicas con todos los arquetipos tpicos del gnero sin que ninguna destaque ms que sus inspiraciones ni siquiera compiten en trmino de protagonismo contra Yuuna. Estn para que tengan su momento la ocasional participacin y el malentendido semanal sin ser especial u original nicamente tendrs de aliciente el genial dibujo. Puede que Miura tambin lo fuese comprendiendo y por eso decidiera priorizar los arcos dramticos hacia el final.
Dada la presencia y constancia de las artes marciales y espirituales podra calificarse como una historia ms cercana a los harem de los 90 en vez de a comienzos del 2000. Mientras avanza la narracin hay aparicin de rivales choques de alto poder oportunidad de participacin de secundarios para su propia escena que nuevamente se ve anclado por carecer de personajes que generen inters. Es fcil entrar en sintona con lo sucedido y dejarse llevar ms no lo suficiente para gustar o estar a la expectativa del desarrollo.
Lo anterior infiere que en lo referido a su mundo si que hay inters un atractivo universo de folclore japons y modernidad considero que tiene el suficiente potencial para regresar al mismo a travs de una diferente historia o pequeos relatos no me importara si en algn momento Miura quisiese continuarlo de alguna manera.
Lo he lamentado? Tampoco ha sido una lectura entretenida porque no incomoda ni se odia slo lamento que an teniendo los elementos no haya conseguido una identidad pudo haber sido reconocible en el gnero y ser inspiracin para venideros en cambio desde su final es poco mencionado y referenciado.
Espero que Miura consiga otra serie pronto as sea de dibujante es criminal no seguir contando con su enorme talento y tambin quiero agradecerle por su magnfica portada al mejor estilo de Yabuki.
Its animated adaptation had disappointed me even when it had the elements for a typical and fun harem story the situations and archetypes were uninspired too much copied from other exponents of the genre making it fail to stand out. One day I came across some illustrations of his manga and they looked very cool so I decided to give it a try to see if I could take advantage of his basics.
Miura is an incredible artist during his time of publication he was one of the best drawn works in Jump. The panels for the battle illustrations very frequent during the last arcs of the work exhibit strength and energy nothing to envy with the other big names for the review and of course he had attractive girls of all proportions who would also be in the other situations outside the battle in the very usual misunderstandings falls and complications and yes with a drawing expertise just as dedicated as during the action.
Different is his ability as a writer little changes with what we have seen in the anime there is a large cast of girls with all the typical archetypes of the genre without any of them standing out more than their inspirations they dont even compete in terms of prominence against Yuuna. They are there to have their moment the occasional participation and the weekly misunderstanding without being special or original you will only have the great drawing as an incentive. Maybe Miura also understood this and thats why he decided to prioritize the dramatic arcs towards the end.
Given the presence and constancy of the martial and spiritual arts it could qualify as a story closer to the harem of the 90s instead of the early 2000s. As the narrative progresses there are appearances of rivals highpowered clashes opportunity for sidekicks to participate for their own scene which again is anchored by lacking characters that generate interest. Its easy to get in tune with what happens and get carried away but not enough to like or be in expectation of the development.
The above infers that when it comes to his world there is interest an attractive universe of Japanese folklore and modernity. I consider that it has enough potential to return to it through a different story or short stories I wouldnt mind if at some point Miura wanted to continue it in some way.
Did I regret it? Neither it has been an entertaining read because it doesnt make you uncomfortable or hate it I only regret that even having the elements it hasnt achieved an identity it could have been recognizable in the genre and be an inspiration for future ones instead since its ending its little mentioned and referenced.
I hope Miura gets another series soon even as just drawing its criminal not to continue counting on his enormous talent and I also want to thank him for his magnificent cover in the best Yabuki style.