Bucchigiri is a great show with great premise amazing jokes really good character design and music that is out of this world. While the animation isnt excellent its really good for an anime that is heavily focused on fighting.
That to me sounds like a 10/10 show. However...and that is the problem there is a however.
Bucchigiri tried to do a lot at once and seemingly ran out of time... Lets break it down a little more.
HUGE spoilers incoming.
This is my rant of why the story is confusing what plot holes it has and why it doomed the anime.
Arajin meets two important people in his new school. Mahoro Jin the sister of the head of Siguma Squad and his childhood friend Matakara. Arajin only has two wishes 1 to loose virginity preferably to Mahoro and 2 avoid fighting at all cost. However not only does Matakara want to patch things up with him and continue training to become Honki people... Marito Jin takes liking in Arajin and wants him to join his squad fight for fun.
We cant forget to mention the mysterious man I think he is actually Arajins teacher??? that goes to Nyan Nyaight Love to see a certain Jasminchan... They have their own side story.
Of course that is not all. This show also has a genie His name is Senya and he can merge with Arajin for ultimate power.
But Senya too has a past that comes back to haunt him...
Confusing? Hard to follow? All over the place? Well exactly. This story has many plotlines they are following and you loose track of some of them along the way. At first it looks like a romance anime with the little twist of your lost childhood friend drama. However then a genie appears and Arajin becomes Deku combined with Saitama deals one ending punch to his enemies and that is it. Remember how I mentioned loosing virginity? Yeah well I think that was there just so Arajin could scream I want to loose my virginity before every merge as a joke.
His strength makes Matakara believe that Arajin really can become or already is a Honki person and thats why he wont stop pestering Arajin. And Marito sees this strength as a funny little game for his sick need of having fun fights that is why he is always trying to fight Kenchan the head of the other squad.
Arajin tries to not get mixed up with either of them but he does agree to go with Marito because of his sister. She turns out to have incestuous feelings for him.
Ok stopping there and moving on. Matakara has a brother. He comes up suddenly. We find out he is in prison and that on the day he is supposed to be freed he is killed/gravely injured. It felt like they only used him for Matakaras backstory purposes.
Then a new character appears. Akutarou a pretty boy with blue hair that has few screws loose. He is such a weirdo and he only comes in to mix the cards and introduce a new special character Ichiya. Ichiya and Senya I was thinking about those names for a while now. Arent those numbers? Ichi Sen 1 and 1000... hmm. Ichiya is another genie that has a beef with Senya. He posses Matakara rather than Akutarou because Matakara is stronger. That results into Matakara changing completely and beating one ass after another. No one recognizes him but thank god for petty Pretty boy who is so mad so he tells Arajin what happened. Suddenly Senya disappears because he is haunted by his Ichiyas past.
Arajin still makes Senya merge with him insisting that he needs to bring his friend back. So they do merge and we find out what this is all about. Ichiya and Senya knew each other from kids and they were training together. Ichiya unfortunately has an illness that is killing him. But he doesnt want to die like that he wants to be killed by Senya.
And remember Jasminchan? Well this joke was in every episode. The man was visiting always asking for her. Until one day they argued and he asked for another. But he came back and asked for forgiveness and then even went in all nice as if he was going to propose. Next moment he comes out with a literal CAT running away with his beloved Jasminchan.
Those are the main plotlines. From my writing you could say two things.
If you didnt watch it you might think. Wow What a good interesting relationship heavy story.
If you watched it my interpretation might be confusing and I left out some things.
My problem is that if this was the main story it was quite good just with the exception of a few plots that did not need to be in the story at all. I have three theories:
1. the authors thought it would be funny
1. they didnt know what to do with the empty space between the important episodes
1. they thought the story lacked
Things were dragging so so much. There was this one episode that had SO much happening that nothing got resolved. We just watched three prologues. There were episodes that felt like fillers. Plot lines were jumping at us one after another backstories seemed to be random and even in the end some things just... still dont make sense. Questions are left unanswered.
Also Arajin becomes a Honki person. But by that point you even forget what a Honki person is.
The worst part about this is that I would totally watch another 10 season of this. Its great its perfect... Its just... the authors need to realize what they want this anime to be. Even though now is a little too late.
The animation was really really great. You have to have it in you if youre doing an action anime depending so much on fighting. In this aspect BUCCHIGIRI? really shines. The animation is very smooth it looks good and special effects are made tastefully. And when Akutarou moves its soo smooth...
Again cant praise this enough. This anime has that 90ties feel I love in anime. It is great in quality but it feels oldtimey almost. The character design is very unique the color combinations the piercings outfits... They are really thought through. There is nothing that doesnt look good.
Even though its not visuallyheavy when it comes to backgrounds there are few shots and places that look just chefs kiss.
This might be a bit too messy but I said a lot in the Story section.
Our main character Arajin... well I didnt notice any great character development he just did a 180 turn during the last episode but that was it. I dont know if that is genius or not.
Mahoro seemed like a very interesting character and I liked the double face she had. That girl would do everything for her brother... for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health.
Most of the background characters seemed like they would be fun to hang around but they just didnt have enough focus on them. And that might not be such a bad thing because this anime focused on silly stuff too much. Man see why didnt this occur to me. If BUCCHIGIRI? had 24 episode or at least two cours it would be 10/10. They just needed more screentime to be able to focus on ALL the stuff they want to show us. Man...
I said it already BUCCHIGIRI?s soundtrack had a strange mix of Arabic Japanese and it worked SO WELL.
Opening This might be the best opening I heard this season. Its so funny its catchy and the visuals are great too.
Ending The same freaking story. So funny in how simple it is and I wish I could learn all the words :D
Insert there were a few insert songs but none of them really stuck to me. Not because they were bad they were fine. Just... if youre focused on trying to catch everything that is happening you end up missing a thing or two...
Entertainment value:
BUCCHIGIRI? is so close to perfection its not even funny anymore. Everything worked great there was nothing bad about it. And thats what makes me mad the most. If they fucked up the animation if it looked as bad as Cherry Magic... I would shit on this show even more. But this isnt hated hated HATED it critique this is more like a sad cry for help because I just wish the story was more clean and clear.
Overall I think everyone should give this show a change. Some might find it even more entertaining some might disagree with my opinion and I doubt there will be anyone who will hate this show.
Maybe we get more content later and some things will get the ending they deserve. Just because Arajin became a Honki person that doesnt mean the story is over right? There were too many plot lines for this to be a satisfying end...
Conclusion: recommended
but leaning towards absolutely mixed feelings ...