It might sound ridiculous but I did have high expectations of the story. And surprisingly it wouldnt be completely wrong to say there were more or less three plot lines:
1. All girls are twisted Good and Evil
1. Have those girls ruin magical girls
1. Have the main trio fight the quarter of bad girls.
Each of them was funnier than the other. Gushing is a show you cant take seriously. And once you dont you will realize just how funny this show is. If you are taking it seriously you will just end up with boner.
While I dont think we can talk about arcs per se the three main plots explored in the 12 episodes are done lightly and in a way that keeps you entertained. In other words you wont be bored because there is always something happening.
No complaints. The show was running smoothly the boob animation was funny and I loved the way they did explosions or flowers popping up on the screen. Its traditional nothing that screams bad quality.
Didnt love it but liked it enough While at moments it looked weird they kept the quality at medium. And that is always a great thing if you slip up its not so obvious and you can still go all out on important times Working on halfhentai might be hard were talking attention to detail but everything ecchi looked fine flushed faces sweat boobs... Good quality.
I obviously have to talk about Utena first. Utena is the main character the bad girl. While some might argue that she didnt have much of a character development and more of a comingoutofhershelf I think she changed the most. From the this is too much I dont want to do this to head of Enormita that isnt just her perverted self that achieved that
She was great. I loved her the most from the whole show and I thought she was incredible. Of course she slipped every now and then but it added to her character. I especially loved the little detail of her stars increasing the more fcked up she got.
And dont even get me started on the way she beat lord Enorme. It was so clever
I didnt care too much for the other characters. I found Kiwi funny Korisu adorable. Nemo and Matama had a great relationship tho a bit unhealthy. As for their powers I think all of them were interesting and nicely picked for the story.
From the magical girls I liked Sayo the most. Of course the anime focused on her the most too which let us enjoy her a bunch. The point where she almost broke and Utena became disgusted by her was especially important to me and her new form is really beautiful. I am going to catch up with manga some other time and I am very curious to see just how much she changed. As for Haruka I hated her the most. Even more than Kaoruko who had the best chemistry with our Kiwi.
I live for the characters and I live for their relationships/friendships.
Opening had nice vocals but the song didnt slap too hard. It gets an ok from me.
Ending ending is the best music this show produced. It was soft it felt like Sunday afternoon and the vocals were great. 10/10 thank you.
Insert song Loco Musicas L.O.V.E.Ly Loco was the worst thing I ever heard but it was so hilarious I even posted it on my blog. I was so crazy when I was listening to it... Hilarious. It gets what the fuck from me.
Entertainment value:
We get three levels of censorships all different in audio quality if I am not mistaken. Pick yours
I watched the one with censored moans and bottom body parts. Still I got to see much more than I asked for. While I understand the anime was about the nudity/sexual stuff I didnt care for it and didnt need it. It wasnt bad though it made me laugh more times than it made me cringe or regret watching it.
Some of my favorite jokes come out of breaking 4th wall such as:
500 500
I loved how we got the usual secret form jokes namely the: she cant be her they look too different:
400 400
Excuse the pisspoor quality
Overall I dont think I was bored once.
On the worse side a lot of time they dragged into the fights children. I do not like and cant forget or forgive that they had the magical girl naked and the kids were watching her. This wasnt something that needed to be done. They chose to do that. WTH. Bye.
Conclusion: its a must watch 3
Gushing Over Magical girls is a strangely wonderful story about weird friendship that will keep you confusedhorny while you grin like an idiot because the humor is just that good. It looks great it has two or three dark twists and promises for what will happen later in the story it has a lot of cute girls that give us plenty of fanservice.
Its not what you expect but oh boy will you be happy you watched it
If you have any doubts dont have them. Even I as someone who doesnt like hentai who doesnt like Mahou Shoujo enjoyed it to the fullest. It just is that good. 10/10