Ok I really needed to get this out of my head since this is probably one of the worst animes Ive ever seen that had an actual cool concept. This is my first review so it might be a little sub par apologies for any less than decent picture.
First lets get the big picture out of the way:
Characters: 6/10
Plot: 4/10
Art and Animation: 3/10
Overall: 4/10
Characters: The characters were pretty much what you would find in a harem anime theres lolis an over aggressive female a distinctive male to say: Its not all chicks fellas a Trap and a few more I really didnt bother with presenting since they are no different from any other harem anime.
I mean overall its the normal setting so I really wasnt expecting much nor was I bothered by it what bothered me the most was the sisters voice that didnt even come close to fitting her character...I dont know if she is the daughter of someone in the company or if she was a new VA but damn that casting was complete shit
The main character well he is distinctive an otaku genius that only do what he wants to do at the moment which normally involves being a cool guy for the legion of chicks he has around.
Plot: Holy crap this is what annoyed me the most and what made me want to write this review.
The plot start fine interesting but fast forward 3 episodes and you see that its just a repetition of itself for the most part....and thats okay.
Whats not okay is the way the MC solves those conflicts. Now bear with me I know anime isnt supposed to be realistic but you need to have fundamentals you cant just throw words at it and hope people wont realize that youre just saying random gibberish. Thats what happens here random gibberish and actions for example Spoilers ahead when doing the dudes arc they have football and in football there are rules...well not in here in here the guy just charges at the goal and tackles everyone else in front of him...keep in mind THIS IS NOT AMERICAN FOOTBALL this is soccer you cant just charge and tackle people out of the way.
This was just an example of the plot twists and solutions that are found in this anime. On the last arc specially they start throwing around scientific words and procedures without having any and I mean any idea what do they mean to a point that it is painful to watch.
Art and animation: Im pretty sure this anime was animated by an army on interns that couldnt finish an Art Degree in college I did better animations in 11th grade.
Overall: The anime starts out great but rapidly becomes dull predictable and incredibly unrealistic the characters arent really memorable and the aniamtion is shite.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.