Im an idiot and got distracted mid series and came back for the last four episodes. I know I liked it originally but after coming back I felt like nothing made sense.
Did I forget the plot? I dont think so. There was a lot of character development going on and things like that. I sat and watched for like ten minutes while they talked about why X character let X character get kidnapped and how it was because he secretly resented him and thats why he wasnt on guard enough. But Im just like You...were in the other room. Please just shut up.
Yes I couldnt wait for everyone to shut up and actually fight. Of the last 4 episodes maybe 1 is actual magic and fighting. The animation is good but none of it really made sense to me magic wise. Maybe important details were skipped but I felt like there were a ton of plot holes.
All of the characters movements just felt like they were doing whatever random thing they wanted. Its a chaos of tons of actors while the main characters monologue about their growth and how theyre just weak and pitiful human beings and feel sorry for themselves.
You could say thats realistic because its how real life operates. A bunch of people make a bunch of moves for a bunch of random goals. It just feels endlessly irritating when the main character is just chilling being attacked spied on and stolen from by all these characters with these arbitrary goals and hes just chilling. The fight where he deals with it isnt for two more episodes weve got to monologue until then.
Honestly maybe it missed the impact because of the break but I remember the details for this anime pretty clearly so I dont think so.
If you like character development and people talking this is for you. I like people talking but only when its interesting. When they stop the fight to start monologuing at least make it good you know? Oh Im not really strong Im just borrowing peoples power. Please shut up. Thats what a necromancer is. I dont care about your introspection about how youre actually weak finish the fight first please.
Also the fight made no sense to me. Honestly it was just a bunch of flashing circles and the main character finally deciding to get over himself and actually use his main strength. There wasnt particularly any logic or intrigue to it in my opinion.
There were multiple scenes that touched my peeve which is main characters being overpowered but having absolutely no sensory abilities of note when the author wants something to be surprising.
Okay. I firmly remember characters present having sensory abilities and should have known X was approaching or X happened but were just going to pretend they cant now. I had a break and I remember this so why doesnt the author?
Its just my personal opinion but if you think youre a strong character and you have no sensory abilities youre worthless. If people can do stuff right under your nose what do you even have power for? Im going to protect my friends The only thing protecting them is plot armor all you can do is get revenge honestly. You have nothing and no ability to protect because you cant even tell whats going on in your own home. Personally that and the constant talking and emotional introspect were enough to ruin the ending of this anime for me.
As a final note I really hate the trope of Oh Im not going to talk to you or reason things out so our two parties will fight. But now that Ive lost the fight we can be peaceful and understand each other. Just talk you bastards. If theyd talked about the origin of their powers and the things they did and their goals I wouldve been 10x more interested in that negotiation than 5 main characters feeling sorry for themselves for 40 minutes.
In my opinion good premise poor execution. Maybe youll get more love from it than I who paused half way or maybe youll have different taste. Just do your best to ignore the authors brain lapses.