Loved the overall structure of this Volume 4 of the Kotenbu series by showing the changes that the characters themselves have noticed about one another while we jump through different times of the year. Oreki sees Chitanda in her world multiple times where she has to surpass her curiosity for the sake of her duty. He sees Ibarra when she is not conformational even if she finds out her chocolate is stolen for the sake of her agreement. He sees Satoshi give up the absolute win condition for the sake of not being obsessed. We see Oreki in many different lights whether he finds him angry at Satoshi or guilty because of what he did to Chitanda or upset for Ibaras sake. A lot of changed since his middle school days. Sure he has been steadfast in his energy conservation ways there are enough breaks to see what he could be like and for who. I loved that we start with a story of when Oreki deceives Chitanda to the penultimate story where this repeats. The outcome may have been the same but the reason is completely different because these 4 people have been in close proximity for much longer than before. Hell Ibara wasnt even part of the Classics Club back then. Then Oreki played a light prank and involved Satoshi. Now Oreki had to trick Chitanda because he believed Satoshi did it for a good cause. In both cases Chitanda is the one to disrupt the status quo. Her curiosity for the former and the determination for the latter. Maybe both Oreki and Satoshi arent the only ones obsessed with obsession. Ibara is obsessed with her love for Satoshi. Chitanda is obsessed with her lack of clarity when something is not fully understood by her. Thats why the final chapter showcases Orekis conflict a similar scenario as Satoshi. I get why Satoshi didnt want to tell Oreki because he really wouldnt get it. But now he does. Is Oreki willing to throw out his life motto which he doesnt really hold onto that strongly but enough that it gives his life meaning without much meaning to it. Sure the Classics Club has changed his daily routine as he would usually just go home for the sake of not having a reason to stay at school. But would this continue next year? After high school? After college? Is he ready to make that sort of commitment to Chitanda? No. And thats perfectly fine. But she has shown her world to him and he sees a way that he can fill a hole in it. Thats more than enough for now. He is just a first year after all. Replay Value mentions in his miscellaneous musings that the tone of the last part of Volume 4 and Episode 22 of the anime are slightly different. Which I definitely agree although I dont think Volume 4s lines feel as melancholic to me. But the rose colored fantasy did completely entrap Oreki and myself when watching it for the first time. The anime also ties everything up since it is the last episode of the season as I doubt there will be a Season 2 by having Oreki talk to Irisu as well as the extra dialogue of Ibara talking to Oreki and thanking him about the chocolate fiasco from the prior episode. Although it seems like the little flashback of Satoshi from the previous episode about not wanting to let go for his lack of obsession for Mayaka is present I either completely forgot about it or didnt register it when I first watched as it was very apparent well reading it. One day I pray that Oreki allows himself to became a part of Chitandas world and vice versa.
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