Wow is it trying to make a tradition? Just like season 1 it has an absolutely amazing intro alongside a god awful outro. Seriously the song is great go check it out its called Scrap Art and I love how we see each faction/group of characters walk towards the camera towards the start and then each group from the other side pat death god on the head at the end that is so dope. Anyways. Read the title. Its season 1 but better. Seriously its that simple all the things I feel season 1 did better than the manga season 2 does better than season 1. Lets start by talking about pacing and tone which I feel is what distinguishes the anime most from the manga from what Ive read of the manga. But first we have to give a quick look at season 2s predecessors. The manga in my opinion constantly breaks up the pacing by talking about necessary details and continuously changing perspective and tone which stops the story from feeling fluid and wastes SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH TIME on random unfunny jokes. The first season of the anime cuts on a lot of the random stuff that doesnt really lead anywhere but keeps a lot of the joke scenes which I didnt really find all that funny. Season 2 on the other hand barely has any necessary stuff and instead of having comedy moments shoehorned into serious scenes gives us proper dedicated comedy scenes and characters who I adore and will come back to later meaning that the tone is now a lot more consistent but also that the show is a lot more fluid since it doesnt have this weird stopandgo pace from all the jokes breaking it up. The characters are also a huge step up from season 1 which is mostly due to the characters already being mostly set and some of the more uninteresting characters being thrown to the sidelines. So while we get a lot less of Lemmings Lisa Takumi and Polka and his family a lot more time is given to characters who are either a lot more interesting or enjoyable like Sayo I fucking love shark jokes Gentle Criminal Phantom Solitaire my beloved Civil and her gang the Fire Breathing Bugs and every single character from Polkas original world. We also see Corpse God get a lot more involved emotionally in the plot which is massively more interesting than him just repeating I just want a peaceful life. The voice actors also did a great job especially my beloved Solitaire Fire Bug they use 12 different VAs and I love it Civil Lulu and Misaki who I feel was a lot more lively this season. So characters are also better than S1 but what about the story? Well I think its obvious enough considering the title I gave this review its better. Everything this season feels like it has a point unlike last season where some parts fake fire bug and Hosorogi felt kind of pointless though this could very easily be attributed an overarching story pretty much not existing until the last few episodes of the last season I still feel this season was a huge step up. Apart from 1 characters presence Arahabaki feeling kind of redundant and another feeling underdeveloped so far Majiri though this one can definitely be attributed to her introduction being midway through the season this story feels really good to watch its unique especially all the other side stuff has a bunch of cool moments and even if the last few episodes feel a bit rushed I think that isnt an issue considering the fact it allows the story as a whole to fit perfectly within the constraint of a season honestly if you told me the mangas story ended where season 2 ended I wouldve believed you. The animation also feels like a step up last season had good visuals but not that many amazing ones with the only scene that massively stood out to me visually at the time being the Lemmings fight in the bar where as here there are so many more dope unique visuals related to magic. Seriously every time we get to see new magic we also get to see new dope visuals which Im all for that is without taking into account Misaki and Xiaoyus new abilities and visuals that come alongside them We also get some more high speed combat scenes which look quite good as always. So yeah: Pacings better Jokes are better Characters old and new all feel a lot more interesting Storys more involving Animations better. Whats not to love? Very high 7. Wouldve been a low or mid 8 if it had a bit more music variety. Dont forget to report the Bastard Children of Sabaramond to Solitaire TV if you hear about them
79 /100
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