This one is quite something. It runs the line between a completely original anime and an adaptation.
So the new MC Konoha got fed up on her work as an illustrator of a small game studio. She got some old VNs from an old lady but those games have the capability to time travel to the release date of that game. With the first one being 1992.
The first 2/3 is this is pretty much fine. Its a look on 90s VN development. It shows what was back then without advanced tools and processing power of today. At this point those episodes base their scenarios on the manga but with the new MC in the mix.
After that the show went on an insanity streak. Leading up to the finale theres a lot of WTF moments in the series. So much so that I cant definitely say how it went in the production of this anime. I cant say much about it without spoiling that part so a good chunk of this is under a spoiler tag. A lot of it was written before the finale aired so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Episode 8
Episode 9 10
Episode 11 12
Below are my thoughts after Episode 13 aired
Episode 13
End of spoilers
The story is pretty good. It showed signs of derailing in the latter third then somehow resolved most of the stuff in one episode. Not everything is resolved though. There are a few things that are left hanging mostly for the sake of time though Id wish for an extra episode as an epilogue after the events of the series. The best thing in the latter part is the commentary. Its surprisingly recent. Despite the setting at that point its not something thats farfetched in modern times. You can type some prompt and your computer or someones computer in some city will generate something be it music literary work code or even art. There are limitations for sure which the anime kind of touches. Not everything is discussed particularly the legal side of the issues. While I was holding my breath in the buildup to the ending I was glad to see them nail it which is a worthy accomplishment.
In this series there are 2 main characters.
Konoha is an illustrator that wants to create her dream game which is superbly ambitious. Because shes voiced by the same person that voiced Paimon from Genshin Impact Aoi Koga she has a very annoying voice. Youll probably get used to it. Aside from the ambition shes literally a hot mess and childish. She tries hard to be cute maybe too hard at points but in the end shes fine.
Mamoru is literally the know it all also has an obsession of the PC98. Hes pretty much the only smart guy in the cast. So much so he literally is the backbone in the resolution of the anime. At first I hated his character Pls PC98 over Windows 95 Tsundere then the writers seemed to tone it down on subsequent episodes. Hes within the line of the love/hate to me.
The supporting cast is serviceable to the plot with the biggest L going to the former main character Meiko. Interestingly they opted to use mostly veteran voice actors in their 40s and over for the original cast then you have a few in their 20s or 30s.
While there is a villain in this series. Its about as memorable as an atypical MCU villain. Its just an excuse to have some bad guy and a thing for their commentary in contemporary times.
This anime is a semiinteresting take on the time travel plot. While it does have some issues storywise and WTF moments its a goodenough anime that Id say you should watch it at some point. Im glad to see another original anime have a good story arc in a constrained time frame. While I like it on its own terms some will lament that it isnt a straight adaptation.