Hey. Do you remember Jaws? You know that horror movie with the shark? 200https://i.ur.com/7NgZoQX.png You know that fucking movie where a bunch of people get fucked up in the ocean by a shark that apparently inspired Ridley Scott to make fucking ALIEN??? That one movie with a bunch of people on a space station that get murdered by a badass alien monster which was of course really just a goddamned guy in a fucking suit MOVIE MAGIC? Jaws set the template for many subsequent horror films to the extent that the script for Ridley Scotts 1979 science fiction film Alien was pitched to studio executives as Jaws in space. Scott would later reveal in a 2017 interview that Jaws had made a lasting impression I was always put off from swimming ever since I watched Jaws says Scott. I quite liked swimming actually and Id occasionally dive but once I saw Jaws there was no way I was ever going to learn to surf no way Because I can imagine my legs my little pinkies hanging underneath the surfboard and I know Im going to be the one. Source: Motherfucking Wikipedia. Point is killer fish... theyre just a thing in horror that works. If youre gonna do a monster horror flick why not do it with a great white shark? Or a fucking alien monster whose young leap onto you and then IMPREGNATE YOU THROUGH THE FACE. Alien monsters great white sharks... whats the difference? I mean really. Anyways here comes along mangaka Junji Ito one day in 2001. His first long series Tomie is already progressing to become essentially a Japanese version of the Freddy or Jason films fun Junji Ito fact There are eight live action Tomie films Tomie Tomie: Another Face Tomie: Replay Tomie: ReBirth Tomie: The Final Chapter Forbidden Fruit Tomie: Beginning Tomie: Revenge Tomie vs Tomie and finally in 2011 Tomie: Unlimited. Source for all the Tomie film titles: AGAIN. MOTHERFUCKING WIKIPEDIA. Also jesus christ does literally each chapter of Tomie need its own film??? Whatever more Junji Ito out in the world is a thing I can get behind. Then Uzumaki finished and he was just doing a short story here a short story there... to eventually end up culminating in over ten Junji Ito collections of stories... but he wanted to do a third long series. Perhaps just one day he watched Jaws and said hey I want to do a manga of that Or... actually maybe he just realized he hadnt done a manga featuring fish yet. The result? 440https://graphicpolicy.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/gyodeluxeedition.jpg GYO ATTACK OF THE DEAD FISH HORDES FROM OKINAWA. THESE ROTTING SMELLING FISH ARE DRAGGING THEMSELVES OUT OF THE WATER TO STRIKE BACK AGAINST US THE FILTHY LAND DWELLERS. ITS LIKE JAWS BUT UNLIKE JAWS THE SHARKS ARE COMING ON LAND OH MY GOhttps://www..com/watch?v=HyophYBPw4D Jaws is a classic. Gyo is not. Gyo is just the product of a day when Junji Ito said hey I feel like drawing some fish and weird shit and thats perfectly okay. Dont know why it was a long series. It would have been perfect if it was just the ONE chapter where the shark on spider legs bursts through the wall. But unfortunately were not here to talk about Junji Itos vision of rotting monster fish attacking people. Were here to talk about some guyhttps://anilist.co/staff/102247/TakayukiHiraos vision of his take on Junji Itos vision of rotting monster fish attacking people. ...This review is not about the Junji Ito manga Gyo but the 2012 anime OVA Gyo. ...Im so sorry. One of the worst adaptations Ive ever fucking seen 440https://imagesna.sslimagesamazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDFjZGEzN2MtMjg1OS00ODcxLTkwNzMtMmJjYTg2ZjEyZjdhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1OTYxNzU.V1UY1200CR8506301200AL.jpg If I havent gotten the message through the original Gyo wasnt exactly a masterpiece in any sense. Rotting killer fish it gets kind of weird because how do you stretch rotting killer fish to twenty chapters thats just what it is and not much more. But then ten years later a little studio named Ufotablehttps://anilist.co/studio/43/ufotable and a man named Takayuki Hiraohttps://anilist.co/staff/102247/TakayukiHirao came along and said HEY well animate that shit and oh boy. What a terrible fucking idea. Takayuki Hirao directed did the storyboards for and wrote the script for this... this take on Gyo. He took the story and decided rather than the guy the girlfriend should be the protagonist. Right out of the gate THE PROTAGONIST OF THE ORIGINAL STORY IS NO LONGER THE PROTAGONIST. Hell the whole original story is the guy and his girlfriend going to this cabin together. In the adaptation hes not even there. ...What? But thats the whole thing. She cant just be in the cabin alone UFOTABLE: GOOD NEWS NOW INTRODUCING TWO BRAND NEW ORIGINAL GYO CHARACTERS BECAUSE YOU KNOW IN HORROR THAT WHOLE THING WHERE A BUNCH OF FRIENDS GO TO A CABINhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheEvilDead IN THE MIDDLEhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JasonVoorhees OF NOWHEREhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheCabinintheWoods. SURE PERHAPS THE COUPLE ANGLE WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR JUNJI ITO BUT FUCK IT. WE NEED A QUIET GLASSES GIRL AND AN AGGRESSIVE GIRL WHOS THERE JUST TO HAVE SEX WITH TWO RANDOM GUYS IN THE OTHER ROOM AWAY FROM HER FRIENDS. 440http://i.ur.com/z0WYiXF.png ...What??? That sounds fucking terrible and completely pointless. What is the point of horribly and purposely ruining a Junji Ito manga? The original Gyo is silly and weird enough on its own just do a faithful and true adaptation The guy and girl going there as a couple was way more interesting than... that. Her phobia of horrible smells was more interesting than that Additionally how is she going to even work as the protagonist with her phobia UFOTABLE: OH NO WE AXED THAT. WE HAD TO. SURE THAT WAS HER ENTIRE CHARACTER BUT FUCK IT. You know I dont think BUT FUCK IT should be used for literally every creative decision in a creative project especially when adapting someone elses shit. But thats just me. Whatever we need to get back on topic. So after the one friend character goes to have sex with two random guys in the other room thats when the CG shark shows up and the horror meter skyrockets to eleven. 440http://pa1.narvii.com/5777/0d9373f91d5fff8336638b9d7e997faa097a4764hq.gif 440http://i.ur.com/A9s8H0f.gif ... ... UFOTABLE: ... 220http://i.ur.com/wWG3i9l.png Conclusion This huge steaming pile of shit was how I was first introduced to Junji Ito. Quite frankly I couldnt believe what I was watching. Laughed through quite a bit of it. My reaction to it as a big horror fan was... I needed to see more. I needed to look up the original creator and read all of his things because I was not previously aware of this persons existence. Thats exactly what I did. 440http://i.ur.com/D1qooA0.png You too can download the entire Junji Ito collection at LINK REDAhttp://i.ur.com/IHx2Kf8.pngCTED. I of course started with the manga version of Gyo and was surprised to find that... well... comparatively it was the best thing ever? As a main character the boyfriend is stronger although as previously said she was more interesting in the manga even if her role wasnt main character I was surprised and PLEASED to find Kaoris friends didnt even EXIST in the manga. 440http://i.ur.com/u8sZ7EI.png The sharks a lot more imposing and intimidating in the manga... then again the black and white of manga is fucking intertwined with Junji Itos style. Im not sure if that even makes sense. To reword I dont really think color and Junji Itos monsters work together. But Im honestly not sure if its just because of Gyo the anime. Everything is just so colorful and bright...its just... ugh. Hypothetically if theres ever another Junji Ito adaptationhttps://anilist.co/anime/99940/ItoJunjiCollection I hope they bring animation thats a bit closer to Junji Itos style and go a bit less... bright. UFOTABLE: THATS NOT FAIR. ITS TOO BRIGHT IS ONE OF YOUR CRITICISMS? BUT WE ADDED A BRAND NEW OCTOPUS MONSTER. THE MANGA DIDNT HAVE AN OCTOPUS. Wait did you? I dont remember 440http://i.ur.com/tn2fkUC.png 440http://i.ur.com/dNiskEV.png ... ... UFOTABLE: ... 220http://i.ur.com/wWG3i9l.png ...That was the entire reason why the girlfriend was switched to the main character position isnt it. Aanyways I dont really get the point behind any of the decisions that led to this existing. Despite being completely off the rails this adaptation still works in some stuff thats actually from the manga. They actually do more or less do the plot even if the main characters are switched. They even animate the bizarre as shit circus scene which is about when the final nail of the coffin of me checking out all of Junji Itos other stuff was nailed in. Like seriously what the fuck. We started with rotting fish monsters now rotting fish monsters are infecting people to become horrifically ugly bloated gas spewing monsters and now theres just a fucking circus for some reason. 440http://i.ur.com/0k9OAEu.png 440http://i.ur.com/E7rSWpx.jpg 440http://i.ur.com/WUH7pgT.jpg 440http://i.ur.com/2kV07A4.png I know Junji Ito draws whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants and thats a reason why I love him but what the fuck. The rotting fish infect humans and turn them into blob creatures that spew gas and if that gas is lit on fire it turns into screaming nightmarish ghost faces that cant be captured on camera? What??? What the fuck does any of this have to do with sharks on spider legs??? To conclude I give Gyo the animation a 6 out of 10. I do not recommend watching it but I do recommend giving the manga a try. Like yeah okay the OVA is a pretty funny watch as its pretty bad in comical ways but so is the manga itself and the manga actually provided more genuine enjoyment. UFOTABLE: Wait what the fuck? What? UFOTABLE: You said this was one of the worst adaptations youve ever seen A fucking six out of ten??? It made me laugh a huge amount. The negativity only really crept in after when I read the manga which is still bad and funny but way better than this. THE GIRLFRIEND IS LITERALLY CHASED BY ONE OF THE FISH MONSTERS BUT THE GUY PUT IT IN A TIED UP GARBAGE BAG. WHERE WAS THAT SCENE? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN HILARIOUS TO SEE ANIMATED. Had time to include anime original characters an anime original octopus but nope. Bag fish gets shafted. Its not right. ITS NOT RIGHT. 440http://i.ur.com/TIuXLHp.png UFOTABLE: A six out of ten isnt even a bad score. What other shows have you given a six out of ten to?? 440http://i.ur.com/8Wwr9uE.png UFOTABLE: ...Oh. Thats all folks See you in the next Junji Ito review UFOTABLE: Check out Katsugeki Touken Ranbuhttps://anilist.co/anime/21742/KatsugekiToukenRanbu the second new Touken Ranbu anime not made by the guys who did the other onehttps://anilist.co/anime/21741/ToukenRanbuHanamaru based off of Touken Ranbuhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ToukenRanbu. ...Please watch our shows. 500https://i.ur.com/8V42XOa.jpg Oh hey there. Dont mind me Im just changing a four year old review ...Okay so. I was wrong. Im coming back to this review four years later for now that Ive reviewed the mangahttps://anilist.co/review/14115 Ive realized a 6 out of 10 for this adaptation is generous. Too generous. Its actually really unforgivable how badly they botched this adaptation. The whole reason this got animated was the fucking shark Junji Ito did a fantastic introduction of the shark in the manga and yet no... animating that scene would take too much work 300https://i.ur.com/iYIBilq.png This would have been great animated. Im glad were never going to get to see it. Gyo the OVA is actually a 2 out of 10.
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