What can I say... When I watched the trailer my expectations were modest to be honest. I knew Naoki Urasawa was a master of storytelling and story creation having previously been amazed by his work Monster. However seeing the Netflix mention and the graphic aesthetic I anticipated a completely conventional adaptation. This is why it took me so long to get into this anime. From the outset Pluto propels us into a futuristic universe where advanced robots and artificial intelligence coexist with human beings. The narrative involves the detectives remarkable humanoid machine tasked with solving a series of disturbing homicides. During the investigation Gesicht discovers cryptic information that he will have to link throughout the work. Please note that Pluto is an adaptation of the manga Astro Boy by Osamu Tezuka. Pluto explores deep and universal themes such as humanity artificial intelligence justice and morality while bringing to life complex and mature characters. This anime inspires us to ponder moral issues while maintaining our interest with a gripping plot. To be completely honest Im not a great analyst Im a visionary a bit and naive so if you want a good analysis wont find it here. This review covers both the story and the manga as well as its adaptation into anime because it is obvious that evaluating an anime solely on its simplistic story. Thus I believe that Pluto fully deserves the title of masterpiece. Its main strength lies in its story and narration. Its a type of story that particularly delights me where the information gradually reveals everything throughout the story ultimately revealing its deeper meaning to the whole of the anime. The way in which the story is told simply overlooks the interweaving of the destinies of the characters each in their own way. manner. And thats where the characters themselves come in In Pluto the characters have a complex human nature an irony that occurs when robots appear to have more human attributes than other less complex anime characters. In addition the development of the characters is of exceptional quality particularly with regard to the treatment of the character of Gesicht whose mental development is one of the greatest successes of the composition. Seeing him go through different mental stages allows the viewer to better appreciate this character. Some may argue that the philosophy behind Pluto is simplistic and in part I can agree with that idea. Indeed the theme of hatred can seem to be used excessively as if it were the only scourge of humanity. Perhaps it would have been more appealing to explore other vices than the seven deadly sins which would have made the moral of the story less naive by avoiding raising issues of hatred at all. But personally I liked seeing Robots behave more like humans than humans themselves whether for the good or the bad sides of human nature. As for the anime adaptation I was pleasantly surprised. My fears of disappointment quickly dissipated. Admittedly its not the most lavish animation around and I was slightly disturbed by some of the CGI effects. However these moments of discomfort were few and far between over the animes total length of approximately nine hours. Overall the adaptation turned out to be a success. In addition a positive point also on the music which transcribes the emotions very well and which for some will be one of the reasons why Pluto is a masterpiece. Finally this is my opinion. Some people might be surprised by my high rating for Pluto. However how can a work be called a masterpiece? These are the emotions these are the abilities of a work to give us the desired emotions. I have been happy in happy scenes sad to tears in sad scenes and angry in angry scenes. This is how I measure the quality of a work and in my eyes Pluto is undoubtedly a masterpiece.
98 /100
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