How many twist can you do in a movie or show before it becomes too much. Its like twisting too much before you end up breaking it and it becomes a mess... basically sums up this anime. We were given a twist at the first episode which was probably the best twist and then after that we got more and more... which they kind of made less and less sense as you continued on.
I was really excited about this when it first aired the first 5 episodes were really enjoyable. Sure given I didnt really care for Ichi being a shut in and complaining about how the world is so terrible... but then we were introduced to the best character Pico.
Now given I didnt like Pico at first but as we got to know her character more and her motivations she grew on me and became my favorite character among them all.
Okay the rest will be spoilers for the rest of the show to explain why I didnt enjoy this show and if you want to read it and see if you want to watch it for yourself or not. And Ill share what I was hoping it wouldve been which I think wouldve been far more enjoyable.
The concept of what makes AI and human different isnt new to anime its an idea thats been explored a lot. And the whole idea of the virtual world and dying inside of it causes death in the real world is done as well. And love or hate SAO SAO actually did a good job at establishing this concept.
I feel like this anime tried a little bit to be like Serial Experiment Lain and SAO. Why trying to be both failed at being anything really... it couldnt decided which path it wanted to go... like we are connected to the virtual world and if we die in the virtual world... it causes death in the real world? And how does any of it works? It made zero sense at all it wasnt explored at all... its like creating ideas but not exploring it or giving any lore to it.
Let setting up for a joke but without...
What this anime shouldve been is what was introduced in the first episode. A dysfunctional family that slowly eventually learns to become a family in the real world. Where they learn to forgive each other and learn to create the family they have in the game but in the real world instead. I think that wouldve been a far better anime. Where they slowly understand each other and that no matter how much you try to create in the virtual world it doesnt compared to the real world.
And they couldve used Pico more to established this as being the one that finally meets Ichi and they build a relationship to help him slowly get out of his neet stage. And by their friendship and relationship they build he slowly reconnects with his real family. At least thats what I thought we were going to get going in...
Pico is some AI... LIKE WHAT??? What kind of twist is this and it came out of no where and after her whole emotional scene with Ichi how she wanted to meet him in person... and then she vanishes and he doesnt really even think about her at all until way later on and argh... such a wasted character.
Im sorry this anime just was so frustrating... if you want to make something be clever and unique at least explore it better. Dont just make up stuff and say just because... thats just lazy writing...
Because the AI are so smart they can somehow hack reality... geez... if this was a fantasy anime it would work... but youre trying to be scifi and kind of stay in the realm of possibility even if impossible.
Ill end it here I had high hope but this is what you get for hoping... hope is a dangerous thing they say.
But hey... the part with Ichi and Pico meeting was actually really sweet... Ill give them that at least but I barely could finish the last coupe episode it was a dragged...