A sneak peek at what could be my favorite season in the fate franchise. https://media.tenor.com/aXBAuvJkxx4AAAAC/fatestrangefakeenkidu.gif Quick disclaimer: This is my first review ever Ill get better as I make more i promise. The title says it all These past few weeks I have been watching nothing else but Fate. I was so captivated by this wellmade battle royale with interesting masters servants powers everything honestly. But fate/strange fake whispers of dawn grabbed my attention right before I even started fate and today was the day I watched it and boy do I have stuff to say. First off lets start with the most important part for me: Characters. What makes battle royale anime good for me are the notsorightinthehead characters or just characters that dont feel too basic you can recognize them right off the bat when you look at them and I must say strange fake absolutely DELIVERS with these interesting characters. I seriously think this might be the best cast we have gotten Fate/zero would be second. All of them have so much charisma it is unreal. Ive got to say out of these 55 minutes my favorite characters might be: Flatt Escardos https://media.tenor.com/5jfxv9re4uQAAAAC/fatefatestrangefake.gif and Enkidu https://media.tenor.com/WaSlrCMV4a8AAAAd/enkidufate.gif They are such interesting additions to the series Personally very excited to see if all the characters will be showcased well but then again the writer for this season is Ryougo Narita who usually writes stories with large casts and all of the characters dont get lost in the writing so I have a lot of hopes Next up Id want to talk about the art. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.157529/385510444106304563818609690717853858809407n.png?stp=dstpngp403x403nccat=107ccb=17ncsid=510075ncohc=Fc3G67YTNugAXZbkq4ncad=zmnccid=0ncht=scontent.xxoh=03AdTyvNiyrOPva2twMK7JoxpRGumWRQ3JF6OISr3SGEeQoe=65524444 I think that the change of artstyle is SO good. I love the thicker outlines way more and more attention to detail rather than smoothness which was the main focus in other fate seasons by the studios. Very happy that they decided to change it up a bit rather than keeping it like usual. Also the studio is A1 PICTURES. A studio that did kaguya sama sword art online 86:Eighty six so when I had seen the studio I was not scared at all for the adaptation. I just REALLY hope they do not rush the TV show thats all I ask. Now lets talk about the soundtrack. HOLYYYYY.... Hiroyuki Sawano does it yet AGAIN. Seriously this man has so much talent. Every second from the music adds so much tension to the scenes This is a professional right here Okay one thing that is a bit sad is that the movie is not very good for someone who just started watching fate it does not explain the whole world well and only gives out some context for the servants and masters. So if you are interested to watch it please make sure to finish fate/zero fate/stay night mainly. Now the highlight of the whole movie: Enkidu vs Gilgamesh. https://youtu.be/IypQw7v34?si=KzbxegRZLEVNBowe This MIGHT be my favorite fight scene I have seen in a long long time the place that they were fighting in was so captivating especially the detailed sky. Enkidus powers were so beautiful I am just super glad I was able to see him in action in the movie and not wait 2 years for the tv show to be released. Gilgamesh ofc is always entertaining to watch his voice actor does a splendid job always with the laughs LMAO. Here have some pretty views I had captured while watching. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1022872275017551903/1162859964117823498/image.png?ex=653d78bcis=652b03bchm=8db80f3cd7d042e6ef672e56f58686b5082684a839881308fd022676c618f34a https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1022872275017551903/1162859591504244806/image.png?ex=653d7863is=652b0363hm=a53c13c85d2410c5e52fea8bea4bbd5c1522df7be9da01bc9deaf4b73faf8d4d In conclusion: Fate/strange fake is probably the show Im anticipating the most next year Im hoping it is as good as this special episode because it is an episode i will not forget in a WHILEEE. Thank you so much for reading D
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