Originally Posted on Letterboxd
As you could probably tell by my name and my PFP I consider Mega Man to be not just my favorite video game series but my favorite THING ever made so I usually have a bias towards most Mega Man products. However there are plenty of points where I will gladly rip apart something from this franchise if I also find it to be bad. Case in point ever since the franchises creation there have been several TV show spinoffs none of which I have seen before and I am afraid to and there has been only one official movie for the series or OVA technically but whatever known as Mega Man: Upon a Star.
Now just from glancing at footage from this movie you would think that this wouldnt be too bad. All the important characters from Mega Man make an appearance here the animation is pretty nice and there are several action scenes present to make things exciting. However then you realize that for whatever reason there are educational moments present throughout and when considering that factor as well as everything else I can say that this movie is pretty damn ok. Sure it looks pretty charming but it is also pretty weird keeping me from considering it to be a perfect Mega Man movie.
The story is pretty weird and only gets stranger as it goes but not in too much of a good way the characters are what you would expect from the games along with a few new ones who arent really too interesting but they dont come off as annoying the voice acting is pretty poor for the most part with one instance being with the main voice actor for Mega Man himself who also shares the same voice as another character and he does nothing to differentiate his voice for both characters the animation and art style is very appealing and it works really well and as you would expect the educational content that appears throughout doesnt mesh well at all with the rest of the content and comes off as weird and unneeded.
Its weird because there are a lot of elements in the movie that could be considered pretty good and at the time it could be considered to be the best adaptation of Mega Man that was currently out. However then they feel the need to stop the action at plenty of points to teach the audience about something about Japan which would be fine if it was an educational program made in Japan involving original characters but if I am watching a Mega Man movie I want to watch a Mega Man movie where kickass robot action takes precedence over everything else and that isnt present here. Yes all of the other elements are pretty good to an extent but if I wanted to learn about Japan I would watch a documentary about Japan not this.
Overall while having plenty of admirable qualities Mega Man: Upon a Star doesnt get anywhere past being just simply ok being held down by various aspects such as the voice acting and its need to shove in educational content when it isnt needed whatsoever. Lets just hope that whenever they make another Mega Man movie which they may or may not be making I dont know they do it right but lets be honest they probably wont.