I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World Too enters the realm of straight up horrible and unmemorable lightnovel titles which could be excused if its contents couldnt be described with the same adjective alongside a few other negative ones added on top of it.
Cheat Skill Isekai follows Yuuya Tenjou who is a highschool student hated by absolutely everyone including nearly his entire family due to him being fat ugly pathetic blah blah blah the shows words not mine although he is also extremely kind and nice as his grandfather taught him to be. Besides his grandfather the only person who does not hate him is a girl who he saved from some thugs which taught her he is actually very kind and nice.
The show has absolutely no substance as there is no plot. Yuuya didnt work towards his current state instead he just obtained it so there is no sense of progression. Everything good that happens to him after he gets his power is just handed to him with convenient events.
First convenience he gets is his superpower which he gains after accidentally stumbling across the other world behind a hidden door in his grandfathers place. His superpower virtually destroys any and all character development Yuuya could have had by basically giving him a superpower which entirely deletes his great character flaw. His superpower just makes him jacked and super good looking from what I can deduct. Oh yea now that he is jacked and cool everyone likes him and is amazed by him at all times.
Remember that girl he saved? She just so happens to be the president of the most elitest and richest school in town and gets him enrolled there. He afterwards just wanders aimlessly with nothing really happening besides convenient scenarios to make girls be at awe with all his newfound amazingness and coolness. In fact I would need several hands to count how many times he WALKS DOWN A FUCKING STREET AND GETS COMPLIMENTED BY COMPLETELY RANDOM PASSERBY WHO NEVER APPEAR AGAIN.
At the start of the show I wondered if this was some extremely cookiecutter societal critique about how better looking people are generally treated better. But after the end of the second episode I remembered I was watching a show titled I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World Too and also found out this is made by the same guy who wrote THE FRUIT OF EVOLUTION???? I may be spoiled right now but most authors try to convey something with their works but apparently heres the exception who creates works without even a thought put into fucking basic plot structure much less an actual theme.
The animation staff probably noticed that the show has absolutely nothing of value or more likely they just ran out of money as the season kept going on as the animation quality has a noticeable decline into the depths of still frames of grass without an inch of movement. I do have to give credit where its due and say the animation quality is quite good at the start of the season and the art style stands out in a way I do not despise. Although it is not enough to make up for how abhorrent EVERYTHING ELSE is.
This show feels like an experiment to create the show with the least creativity and the most cheap ways to entice viewers. Its truly lackluster in creating any form of emotion or even fulfilling the simple task of telling a cohesive fucking story. I hate that I will never get the time back I spent watching this. You will absolutely get more enjoyment from being lost in your thoughts while watching paint dry.