Terror in Resonance is a show that looks promising at first glance. It has impressive visuals nice music and a theme that could be interesting. It then completely fails to deliver. The protagonists are supposed to be terrorists. Why you ask? Well because they bomb places and thats a terrorist thing to do right? But for all that theyre careful not to let a single person get injured much less killed do little to inspire terror and neither do they mean to. The bombing places bit is completely irrelevant to anything and serves no actual purpose. As for the characters themselves we have Nine and Twelve who have a generic institution orphan backstory thats never elaborated on Five who fluctuates between a friend who the former two failed to save and a girl who was an evil mastermind before an age of 5 not that staying at the institution makes any sense in that case but the show really pushes for it Lisa who is once again irrelevant and could be skipped entirely they had to introduce a large obvious weakness to balance out the the protagonists prodigious luck Shibazaki the obscure riddlesolver whos connected to the whole business by yet another skippable thread thats never elaborated on youll notice theres a lot of not being elaborated on yet being introduced regardless going on this anime the generic above the law American guy yes Watanabe we understand that youre trying to send a message and a bunch of sidekicks who are there to fill up the space. I feel the need to stress that none of them have any real character building remaining onetrait characters even as the big reveal rolls in. The storyline is nearly nonexistent. The characters spend the time until Fives introduction essentially playing around with the tool called plot convenience like the polices security system server having an intentional backdoor webpage that can be accessed from anywhere with no one the wiser in open access. Then Fives schizophrenic backandforth chase begins as quickly as it ends with Lisas captures yes plural and before you realize it the ending happens. Speaking of the ending thats got to be the best thing about the show. It takes everything accumulated over the 10 episodes and precious little it is and tosses it right out of the window doing a complete 180 from the entire shows mood. I got you Nine Guess Ill kill myself now bye. Oh and that orphanfueled research program youve been learning about for the entire show? Pfft off to the background it goes. Also lets knock Japan back to the Stone Age for the lols were dying anyway. The supposedly evil Americans are the most reasonable faction of those that matter so yeah. All in all Zankyou no Terror completely fails to drag you in as every story thread that ever begins is immediately and brutally murdered and the conclusion shows up out of nowhere and takes up half an episode where three minutes wouldve sufficed. The show is only watchable because of the art and music.
60 /100
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