The story revolves around Prince Cecil an exceptionally intelligent individual who finds life mundane due to its lack of challenges. However his monotonous existence takes an unexpected turn when his fiance Bertia drops a bombshell on him. Out of nowhere she declares Prince Cecil I am a villain It turns out that she firmly believes that the world they inhabit is akin to an otome game from her past life and she has assumed the role of the villain within it. Determined to play her part with gusto Bertia sets out on a mission to disrupt Cecils daily life and ultimately call off their engagement. Her actions are driven by her goal to fulfill this newfound role leading to a series of chaotic and unpredictable events in Cecils once orderly world.
The artwork in this manga is stunning with beautiful details that often left me impressed while reading. The illustrations are meticulously drawn capturing every detail with precision.
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The romance develops well and at a rapid pace but while reading you dont perceive it as rushed. The romance flows smoothly and unfolds in a very satisfying manner.
The characters are surprisingly welldeveloped for a short story. It doesnt feel like they were thrown in just to fill the history each character is unique in their own way and they all have their own romantic pairings that are developed
Whats good?
I found this history incredible because it doesnt fall into the clich of the protagonist dying and being transported to an otome gamelike world. In this story although the protagonist dies and enters an otome game world the focus is not solely on her but on Prince Cecil who becomes the main character. He becomes interested in the protagonist despite her efforts to cancel their engagement. One might think that this premise would become repetitive as it has been seen in various manga of this type. However since we are seeing the story from the princes perspective it becomes highly entertaining to witness the protagonists attempts to make him dislike her only to have him like her even more unbeknownst to her.
I found this story incredible. Despite having only a few chapters it concludes with a satisfying ending that leaves you wanting more. I highly recommend reading this story not only for its romance but also for its excellent comedic elements. Additionally the mangas artwork is remarkably beautiful. As you can tell I greatly enjoyed this story and I hope you can give it a chance as well as it is genuinely entertaining