The reason does not matter. As long as tiny bit of hope exists that is all that matter.Tatsumi.
Akame ga Kill is a Japanese shounen manga series written by Takahiro and illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro. It started serialization in Square Enixs Gangan Joker in March 2010. An anime television series adaptation of the main series premiered in Japan in July 2014. The story of the anime focuses on Tatsumi a young villager that travels to the Capital to become a soldier and to earn enough money to save his village. When Tatsumi reaches his destination point he finds out that the country he wants to serve is rotten however one man cannot do anything against the whole country. Thankfully Tatsumi encounters a group of assassin known as Night Raid. That group tries to assassinate all rotten politicians that do nothing but torture people and to rebuild their country as a place where all people have the right to live. Will the assassin group called Night Raid together with Tatsumi be able to change their rotten country? Find out the answer now.
While the story line sounds intriguing it has too many flaws to be good. To be more precise it has three main flaws: it is rushed it relies too much on death and it is unclear whether the main focus of this series is comedy drama or action. Not only the anime suffers these three flaws but also it does not explain enough: Akame ga Kill does show characters backstories but at the same time they are so short and sometimes do not make sense at all. The only explanation that I have is that the creators of Akame ga Kill did not have enough resources and so they decided to omit some scenes and to make the story of this series more rushed. All In all this is one of the weakest parts on this series.
The animation and sound are perhaps the reasons why this anime is actually watchable. But again the animation is average and I would never call it unique. Yes character designs are not bad and yes action scenes are fine but it is still not enough to say that the animation is good. Some scenes are extremely beautiful but some are just ugly. Anyway luck of budget is obvious even here. The sound is more or less good: not only the ED and OP themes are good but also the OST is very enjoyable. Also good voice actors compensate for pale characters.
The characters are not that bad and I would highly recommend you to only think about characters and about characters only forget about the story. Anyway let us discuss the characters. I will start with Akame anime is called Akame ga Kill by the way. Akame is one of the main characters of this series but despite having her name in the animes title the anime does not pay enough attention to her persona it does show us that she is always hungry quite and calm her backstory is okay and it also makes sense but it will be shown a bit too late. What I am trying to say is that when we first see Akame the anime heavily implies that she will be the main protagonist of this series this anime is called Akame ga Kill after all but for some reason Tatsumi receives more screen time than Akame. The next character I would like to discuss is Chelsea. Chelsea is also a member of Night Raid she is extremely beautiful and her cheerful personality helps to make this anime less dramatic. However the main problem with her character is that she does not do anything for the story she is absolutely useless. She is a member of the Night Raid and this organization is the main focus of this anime so um why not pay more attention to Chelseas character? The next character is Esdeath the only Akame Ga Kills best girl. Not only she is interesting but also she might be the only character you will have faith in. Yes she might be called a plain villain but her actions and her character overall MAKE SENSE. AND finally the last character I would like to discuss is Seryuu. While she is annoying sometimes she is one of the characters that I like and you will probably like as well. She does what she finds important to do and to achieve her goals she is ready literally for everything.
Anyway I would not say that the cast of this series is extremely bad it is average but not bad: some characters do not receive enough development some characters are absolutely useless and so on. Again the characters and the story are not the problem of this anime the only problem of this anime is that it did not have enough resources.
All in all if you still have not seen Akame ga Kill yet I would highly recommend you to either read the manga or watch the anime. Of course reading the manga will the best case scenario it is just MUCHMUCH better but still the anime is not that bad. Yes it is far from being good but just do not expect something good: be ready for an average drama with some action elements.