This show had the potential to be decent but ended up being the massive disappointment of the season. The first three episodes basically doomed it and even though the second half was comparatively better my interest had already waned too much. It had the makings for a decent series but the adaptation of the first volume of the light novel first seven episodes was just baffling because they showed all their cards in Episode 3 and they did flashbacks for character development after the supposed climax which felt so out of place. Without this poor structure in the first arc I would definitely have enjoyed it more but here we are.
The show revolves around a spy group called Team Lamplight a group of seven ? girls and their teacher Klaus. At first they seemed like a disoriented bunch of fools not knowing what to do and at the outset the plot was revolving around the girls attempting to kill Klaus which in the end really went nowhere and got repetitive very quickly. The spy missions themselves werent all that great either especially in the first half. They were just simple and extremely contrived short missions with irrelevant villains that just were there to get killed. It also relies way too heavily or plot twists and shock value which is not the best formula. It lacks an identity its not funny like Spy X Family and it certainly isnt Assassination Classroom either so what is it really? I dont know if I have an answer.
The characters were all very gimmicky and lacked real personality or growth in general. I can barely remember all their names to be honest. A lot of them felt overly sexualized and it felt like being horny was their only attribute. A little perverseness doesnt doom a show at all but for this show it really obstructed the plot and character development. It just feels like extremely lazy writing when the writer ran out of ideas so maybe they thought a bit of fan service will satisfy the viewers instead. I suppose some of them got better in the second half but its just faint praise really.
The animation and designs are alright not anything special but not bad either. As for the music the soundtrack wasnt all that special but the OP and EDs were probably one of the more well done and creative aspects in the entire show.
Overall while having an acceptable second half the first arcs structure just killed it entirely in my opinion. It showed its hand way too early simple as that. Even so the writing in general was not great to put it lightly and relied too much on shock value and fan service to keep the audience engaged. With better pacing this show could have been a little better but not by much. Even the stacked cast of voice actors couldnt save this. A shame really since I heard good things about the light novels and even though I havent read them they probably didnt do them justice at all.