Reborn to Master the Blade: From HeroKing to Extraordinary Squire...
I have been waiting for like an eternity on this anime to finish.
So let me begin how i even came to this anime. Looking through some website for potential interesting new manga i came across this one. I read the tags and was like why not. Some gender bender stuff sure sounds interesting. Include magic and isekai and voila you got my attention. After some time I heard about the making of the anime for this and now here we are. The anime finished and to be fair it didnt deliver at all. Going about some of the keypoints.
Animation Style:
Hmm.... you got your drawn stuff and then your 3D animation and if you cant figure by now... the 3D animation part is absolute horrible. Not only does it look hand animated by an intern that learned it in a span of 2 days but it is simply sloppy and feel like the animations are lagging behind. I would compare it to the CGI from Overlord III But where I have to give credit is the hand drawn style. I never seen it before and actually I quite like it but this may only be my own oppinion.
Oh wow so you got your MC which is... OP and then your background characters. And even while they are listed as supporting. They are simple filling the landscape. They feel like some NPC the MC picked up for be able to go on a quest that requires to be more then one person and thats because how much they actually support. Not at all. Generic weapons generic lines and generic looks.
Going back to the MC which while having an again generic background story basically stole their move from other anime. One specific move: The Kamehameha. While the anime actually is called Reborn to Master the Blade blades are not really used and fighting is done hand to hand basically. Or mostly hand to blade.
Hahahaha. Where do I begin? Person gets isekaied multiple years after while gender bending into some white haird big breast girl Not that im complaing about that wants to be the strongest in the world. Is already that in the very first episode and simple repeats it all over again and again and again and again. So Simply said nothing new or interesting is added to the story after episode 1.
So in general Id say after watching episode 1 you could mark it as complete. Nothing new will be added to the story in general and it repeats itself every episode. Story building stopped there too and character building practically never existed.
I think TLDR:
Watching this was not worth it like waititing for a new episode each monday. Take your time and watch something else. Like Another