Revenger is a very strange show. It is never boring it never feels dumb it is never cringeinducing and it looks pretty decent. And while the show doesnt do anything very wrong it doesnt do much right either.
The story starts with a lot of potential with a group of socalled revengers being an extended hand of poor souls with a deadly vendetta against people that wronged them. Their vendetta is presented in the form of a gold coin bitten by the individual that seeks revenge. The coins are usually handed out by the church but how that service came to be is never properly explained.
The main character of this story Kurima Raizo doesnt start as a revenger but becomes involved in a series of unfortunate events that he would regret for the rest of his life with only sorrow and bitterness left in his mind. He murdered his fiances father and as a result of that his fiance also took her own life. In this series of events he encounters this group of revengers and their leader offers him to join them as his skills as a samurai would be of use to them. Naturally that is not the only motive that the leader Yuuen Usui has but explaining his other motives would be going into spoiler territory and would spoil probably the only part of the story done pretty well.
Raizo joins them as he is a mere husk of a man that has nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting a chance to investigate what led to him being misled into murdering his fiances father and in due time potentially gain an opportunity to carry out revenge of his own. He is a very interesting character well written and with a lot of personality even if he tries not to show too much emotion. The rest of the main cast is also really welldesigned and wellwritten. Their backstories and motivations are interesting their personalities are fun. It is a shame we didnt get to spend more time fleshing out each one of them more but the anime is pretty short and fitting more would be impossible.
The story is where this show really lacks. Its very basic and while the premise sounds interesting the plot of why Raizo even found himself in the situation that hes in is pretty uneventful. The villains are plenty but none are memorable and unlike the main cast have no charm and are poor imitations of much greater villains from other shows. The whole conflict is pretty rushed and it ends in an uneventful way where not every villain even gets their punishment in the end. Raizos destiny at the end is the only thing that surprised me and felt perfectly done. The fights are decent and the humor is on point for this type of show... but in the end it isnt enough to elevate a very average story.
To sum it up its a basic crime anime set in the samurai age that has a lot of very wellwritten protagonists but is severely lacking in both story and villain department. If you decide to watch it you wont be bored but you will be disappointed that more hasnt been done with its potential.