My life as Inukaisans dog delves into the life of Karin Inukai who just picked up an abandoned dog off the side of the road who happens to be the reincarnation of a random classmate of hers who has a crush on her. Now every single human being upon hearing that is thinking Sounds like a premise for a slice of life right? and you would be absolutely wrong. Instead we got one of the most fetish pandered How is this not hentai??? TV shows I have seen in a while. Some of the scenes that have gotten me on a watchlist or landed a spot to hell are included but not limited to: Generic pantie shot number 18 I lost count Standard boob shenanigans The dogs tail used as a penis several times yes this is real The dogs snout going straight up Inukais panties after she gets hit by a ball I do not understand the quantum physics behind this High quality artists rendering showing a screen capture would get me nuked off the platform. Inukai getting extremely turned on by her dog taking a piss and recording it this somehow happens on the same episode as the previous one Sounds fun? Absolutely isnt every scene has had me make a facial expression I dont think I have ever made and had me screaming what the fuck is going on more times than I could count. Calling this show psychological torture isnt far off. Its one of the closest things to torture I can find in the whole anime sphere Id go as far to say this show is breaking the Geneva convention if it for some reason appeared at a battlefield. Characters? Theyre high school stereotypes that can be described in 1 word and theyre all women because this is porn without intercourse. Its actually quite disturbing that the author tried to give them personalities due to the characters being really sexually attracted to a dog which is very uncomfortable. Who would have thought? Plot? Whats that? Enough scenes with booba can replace actual writing and storytelling right? The only continuous plot point the show tries to execute on is why the main character is a dog and him figuring out how to turn back into a human. Spoiler if youre still genuinely interested in this shows plot: At this point I wouldve been more respectful for the show to ditch a plotline entirely. The people who watched this based off of the synopsis and title alone got for the lack of a better word trolled to another universe. Despite knowing what I was getting into I didnt know just how degenerate this show wouldve been. This show can only be enjoyed when drunk out of this world which is heavily helped by your memory of this show being wiped out of the universe due to the alcohol. This show deserves negative points but sadly its not possible so Ill result to a solid:
1 /100
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