Dandy is pretty episodic but Spoilers will be discussed.
During the late 1950s an American physicist Hugh Evertt III proposed the MWI the ManyWorld Interpretation claiming that wave function never collapses and that all possibilities of a Quantum Superposition are objectively real.
Alright lets condense it using a simple good old cultured question.
Are you a boob person or an ass person?
... Chances are you are both chances are you are none chances are you do fall into one of those categories but they are physical practical reality and dont just exist as a possibility.
Now I know what youre thinking baby.
What does any of this have to do with Space Dandy?
Space Dandy is about a guy named Dandy... in space
The MWI is a very central concept in the entire show and what really hammers this point is the finale of Episode 1 where it ends up killing Dandy at the end of episode 1... YES Dandy literally gets exploded in what he calls a Plan B the last resort which is to explode the entire planet by selfdestructing his own ship and capture them later not realizing that he is on the same planet as the aliens. What makes it even more absurd is when the next episode... just happens. No one seems to know about what happened in the previous episode or even cares about what happens in the next episode. Every episode feels very different with a different undertone or message sometimes its a space action filled with amazing sequences sometimes its a fluffy high school musical or about a rock concert or disco dancing and sometimes it goes all philosophical often leaves the viewer being bewildered with what just they witnessed. The show has this wacky and carefree exterior which might have led many to believe that its nothing more than a silly comedy featuring weird aliens and often sexualized female characters but its definitely more than that.
Diehard fans mightve already caught Evertt in beginning and sensed where this is going especially if youre a fan of that JP ending song like myself. And theres a connection that I found when I was searching through Evertts wiki page. And this is what his son Mark Oliver Evertt regarding his fathers sudden death said the following:
I think about how angry I was that my dad didnt take better care of himself. How he never went to a doctor let himself become grossly overweight smoked three packs a day drank like a fish and never exercised. But then I think about how his colleague mentioned that days before dying my dad had said he lived a good life and that he was satisfied. I realize that there is a certain value in my fathers way of life. He ate smoked and drank as he pleased and one day he just suddenly and quickly died. Given some of the other choices Id witnessed it turns out that enjoying yourself and then dying quickly is not such a hard way to go.
Now that reminds of a Dandy guy does it not?
Our lives are really unpredictable and so is the reality we live in but theres still a beautiful world out there. We just have to catch those stars instead of shedding tears for a lost cause so its better to just enjoy life Not to say you should abandon your responsibilities though You should carry that Weight.
Each episode is scripted and sometimes even directed by different people which really tells why it varies so much and gives a distinct experience with every episode. The animation is really topnotch and the overall colorful art style and backgrounds are a sight to witness. I really love both the opening and ending songs again they really grew on me.
If youre one of the cool animation lovers like Mob then you should definitely check out except Dandy is episodic and only progresses the plot at the near end.
But the question remains: