Bartender is an outstanding manga that provides an interesting and memorable experience. The story follows the life of a bartender named Ryuu Sasakura who runs a bar called Eden in the middle of a busy city. Ryuu is a genius bartender who can mix drinks that can bring hope courage and comfort to the customers who visit him. He has the ability to read peoples hearts and finds out what they need through their drinks. The artwork and character designs in Bartender are simple and straight forward. The backgrounds are drawn in a realistic way which makes the setting very believable. The art style has a heavy use of shadows and light to create a sense of mood and atmosphere. That is how the author manages to portray the emotions of the characters and the atmosphere of each scene without relying on any dialogue at times. The character designs are mostly unique and memorable with a few exceptions. 320 The story is captivating as it follows Ryus journey as he meets different people and helps them through their troubles. The themes explored in the manga are varied and thoughtprovoking. It explores the power of relationships the importance of communication and the struggles of life. It also reflects on the idea of hope and how it can help people overcome their struggles. With the way the storytelling is structured there is almost something for everyone regardless of age or situation. The pacing of the manga is well done as it builds the story slowly and steadily. It takes its time to explore the characters and their relationships. There are also some chapters that are more focused on the bartending aspect of the story which provides a nice change of pace. It also gives readers time to understand and appreciate the stories told thus far. It is a bit of a slow burn so it definitely isnt for everyone and some chapters can feel a bit dragged out or simply boring but overall it does a good job of keeping your interest. 420 The characters in Bartender are also wellwritten and some reoccurring characters have good development. From the reoccurring customer/narrator Miwa Kurushima to the new figures that appear in each chapter the characters all have distinct personalities that keep the story interesting. The relationships between the characters are also explored in depth from Ryusans relationship with his friend Miwa Kurushima to earning Motomitsus respect. Overall Bartender is an excellent manga that is worth reading. It has a compelling story fitting artwork and captivating characters. It is a touching and heartwarming story that will stay with readers long after they finish it.
75 /100
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