I have been curious about this version of Dr. Slump since I watched the first op when I was still a kid. I had already read the manga and at first I thought the change in character design of a few characters in this version was weird especially Arales... Honestly Arale having dark brown hair instead of her iconic purple hair is the only change that still bugs me a bit in this version. Much later I learned that this version didnt seem to be very popular... But after I started watching it and now that I finished it I can say for sure: this is pure unadultered Dr. Slump
Story 6/10
Well Dr. Slump is not well known for its complex plot. It doesnt really have a story. As a gag/comedy anime that is totally characterdriven the series is pretty episodic with a few short arcs here and there. We basically see the characters mostly Arale and the chosen lucky ones of the episode getting into weird funny and WTF situations. If very dumb humor and poop jokes make you laugh youre gonna enjoy this show On another note if youre a Dragon Ball fan the longest arc in this version happens between episodes 5659 which is basically an extended version of that Dragon Ball episode where Goku arrives in Penguin Village in the middle of General Blues arc. I really enjoyed to see Goku interacting with Arale and other Dr. Slump characters for a little longer
Characters 10/10
Dr. Slump shines the most when it comes to its characters. Who doesnt love a robot girl who has absolute no filter no common sense and no shame? Thats Arale in all her glory. Then we have Senbei Norimaki the scientist who created Arale. Hes a bit of a pervert but not one of the worst ones There is Gatchan the... alien? Angel? That was born from a dinosaur egg and can eat ANYTHING Then there are Arales classmates: Akane Kimidori a tomboy delinquent girl who in this version has red hair Taro Soramame that instead of having a pompadour in this version has bleached hair understandable since in the 90s in Japan a young man with bleached hair was seen as a delinquent Pisuke Soramame Taros younger brother who is... very short And of course miss Midori the teacher in Arales school and the love of Senbeis life. These characters are the main cast but as the episodes pass we get to see more regular characters like a pair of aliens with literal buttheads Suppaman who is a parody of Superman a delinquent wannabe 5 year old girl a very unusual Chinese family... Its a very interesting cast.
Art/Aniamtion 8/10
Its very 90s Everything from animation and art style to remade character designs is very very 90s. If you like 90s anime I dont think youll dislike anything here. Its not a masterpiece of animation but it was a job well done from a time when Toei still animated most things decently.
Sound/OST 5/10
The OST is very forgettable. It does its work but its nothing remarkable not something youd want to listen later separated from the anime. The only song I really like is the 1st opening theme. 2nd one is alright but the 3rd and last one is very annoying.
Enjoyment 69/10
Its a very episodic series with focus on multiple characters and situations inevitably some episodes will be more enjoyable than others. There wasnt any episode that i thought that was bad but there were a few that I thought that were less funny than usual. Its a fun series overall and it can be a good introduction for someone whos not familiar with Dr. Slump. And if you are familiar with the series with either the manga or the 80s anime Im sure you can also enjoy the 90s version if you accept the changes in character designs