Spoiler Free:
The title of the show Baccano means ruckus or chaos in a certain language and it is executed perfectly throughout the show. The concept of Six Degrees of Separation says that any two individuals on Earth can be related to each other through less than or equal to six connections. This show reminds me of that. It covers one event from multiple perspectives and shows how the same event can be perceived differently depending on your point of view and how much of it you are aware of.
They show random events happening all over the place throughout the span of three years and they look completely unrelated at first. But as the show progresses it manages to string all of these events and the characters in these events together into some sort of causeandeffect relationship until everything is a giant chaotic mess. Since all the events appear unrelated at first you probably wont understand anything just by watching the first episode.
It is really funny at parts and the characters dont seem like typical anime characters. They have unique attributes to them. I rewatched this show several times and every time I got mesmerized and 12 episodes passed by in an instant. The opening is designed beautifully showing all the characters involved in this show along with their names and a banger soundtrack. I am a person who bingewatches anime and therefore I skip openings as there is no point in watching an opening again and again on the same hour/day. But this is an opening that I never skipped and it even helped me follow along with the show better
Another standout aspect of Baccano is its impressive animation and soundtrack. The animation is fluid and vibrant with attention paid to even the smallest details. The soundtrack is equally impressive with a mix of jazz and swing music that perfectly captures the time period and atmosphere of the show. The opening sequence which introduces the characters with a catchy theme song is particularly memorable and serves as a perfect introduction to the show.
Spoilers Ahead
Baccano deals with gangs/mafia from a bunch of different factions along with a highly eccentric pair of main characters Issac and Miria. The main center of the story is the journey on the train named The Flying Pussyfoot where all these factions a journalist the main cast and the family of a highranking government official are present. All of these people are unaware of the presence/motives of the other members on this train. They all try to further their agendas on this train but face a lot of obstacles as their agendas clash with each other. Issac and Miria being the eccentric pair that they are only aggravate the chaos further.
On the other hand this show also has mystical aspects in it as well such as these people known as The Immortals. It turns out that a few hundred years ago there was a cult of people who managed to get their hands on an elixir that when taken makes you immortal. It does not make you invincible however as soon as you get injured the body will automatically heal itself no matter how bad the injury is. This means that if your body was torn to shreds then those shreds will magically fly towards each other and reform your previous state After discovering this elixir these people from this cult all consumed it and are in the exact same condition they were hundreds of years back still now. This element of the show was used to great effect as not many people in this world are aware of these immortals and each of them is surprised on discovering this in their own way.
Also at the start of the show on the train The Flying Pussyfoot there was another comedic scene where Issac and Miria in their usual eccentric tone tell you about a scary folk tale of The Railtracer which haunts passenger trains. If a train is haunted then all the passengers on the train go missing. But then they bring on the twist that if this tale is shared with people on a train then that train is definitely going to get haunted by the Railtracer. At first I brushed it off as just a joke but then as the episodes progressed it seemed more and more true. And yes in the end we find out that this railtracer actually did exist but he was just a wannabe who acted that way to give credibility to this old folklore Absolutely brilliant
In addition to the complexity of the plot Baccano also boasts a unique and memorable cast of characters. Each character has their own quirks and motivations making them stand out from typical anime character archetypes. Isaac and Miria for example are a pair of lovable and eccentric thieves who provide comic relief throughout the series. Firo the young member of the Martillo mafia family is a standout character whose loyalty and determination make him a fan favorite. Other notable characters include Ladd Russo a charismatic and sadistic hitman and Jacuzzi Splot a timid gangster with a heart of gold.
Overall Baccano is an incredibly unique and entertaining anime that is not to be missed. Its nonlinear narrative complex plot and memorable characters make it a mustwatch for fans of the genre. The show is also accessible to viewers who may not typically enjoy anime thanks to its setting and unique storytelling style. Whether youre a fan of gangster movies supernatural thrillers or just great storytelling Baccano is definitely worth a watch.