so first of all i started reading this manga some months ago randomly it was on my list for so long and it is one of my best decisions ever
So this manga is one of the best things Ive ever read in my life first of all concept of childish dreams becoming adults passion and it is not easy to succeed in this world this manga teaches those values really well .
Firstly sypnosis of the story is really so simple yet very complex story begins with 2 kid brothers who loves space and decided to become astronauts like every single kid on earth but they were serious about it but with time went by doubts started clouding the big brothers judgement i mean everyone is society thinks that becoming an Astronaut is childish dream . So big brother mutta namba dropped his dream because of the society and tried to enjoy normal high school life whereas little brother clinged to his dream and in the end became an astronaut when big brother was working as an car Engineer.
Secondly it is amazingly written enjoyed every fuckin moment of this manga because story was really engaging for me they really showed how NASA and JAXA actually works how difficult it is to become an astronautwhat are the tests you need to clear to become an astronaut they showed every fuckin thing with great detail .... Honestly it was really an educational experience i learned a lot about space stationsISS NASA and Roscosmos learned about how a little traumas can end persons dream ... How hard missions in ISS are ... Even tho it is based on future and they have some advanced technology in this manga than real world it was beautifully executed .
Thirdly execution of all things that happened in this manga some of the most crazy moments was breathtaking to read i dont really know how to describe it . For example when hibito was first time going on the moon where as muttabig brothers was doing nothing but watching his bro reaching moon alone was a proud and guilty moment
Fourth and most importantly characters ...
All the characters are just amazing in this manga not even a single charactes is bad
Namba mutta big bro the mc of the story adds alot in story as they introduce us with his insecurities and powers this mf is not your typical looser or epic badass mc he is an normal fuckin person .... After beating his boss and leaving the automobile company he somehow decided to pursue his dream of going to moon again in adulthood which is a really really tough decision for anyone to make but he still did it met some great side characters like Kenichi who was smarter than mutta still became bestest friend throughout the series and special their handshake is so iconic
Hibito namba little bro of namba this mf was motivated to become astronauts from the beginning even after his brother gave up he didnt and reached moon before his bro and inspired his brother ..... He had his shares of problem like getting lost from rv in an moon ravine almost getting killed by lack of oxygen gave him panic disorder and it almost killed his career even NASA gave up on him but he didnt give up and ask for help to ROSCOSMOS and overcome his disorder
Namba parents there is nothing much to say about both of them its just that they are the best parents a kid can ask for dont give a fuck about what you are doing enjoying their life while giving little pushes to their kids when needed ... If both brothers achieved their dream they are one of the main reason
Aunt Sharon honestly one of my characters of the show she owned an observatery near namba brothers house and they both used to hang out with her ... She was more of the mother to them than their owne mother .. she was the one who increased their intrest in space ...
Philip broooo the best fuckin character funny af first Jamaican to reach moon and their is not much to say about him just one word
Best fuckin catchphrase of the manga
In the end i just wanna say that this manga is totally worth your time 300+ chaps are nothing seriously believe me guys youll gonna love it I guess its time to conclude my review here