Spoilers ahead. Skip to the end for a short spoiler free review.
The One Man Army
I assume that the Koikehttps://anilist.co/staff/105231/TakeshiKoike Lupin film trilogy is subject to Tarantino crosscomparisons frequently so lets be a bit contrarian with discussing the jidaigekihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jidaigeki genre. Perhaps the genre has been dumbed down to the delayed causalityhttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DelayedCausality trope due to the likes of anime sword fights and fedora and katanadonning weeaboo meme but their presences are monumental. The crossroad in this discussion lies at the duel samurai finale sequenceshttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SingleStrokeBattle. Nothing better encapsulates buildup tension payoff and base violence more often than these jidaigeki staples. Of course subtexts enrich these fights speaking in place of the silent tension clashing of steel or savage screaming. However I dont believe that subtexts necessitate complexity or provoking commentary such as HaraKiris antisamurai sentiment. My overall point being that Goemons Blood Spray doesnt possess profound subtext and its great.
Accompanied by Jigens Gravestonehttps://anilist.co/anime/20978/Lupinthe3rdJigensGravestone/ and Fujikos Lie/A Woman Called Mine Fujikohttps://anilist.co/anime/107313/Lupinthe3rdFujikosLie/ Goemons Bloodspray is intended as a peek into the titular characters past and excitedly so considering the samurais usual silent demeanor. Retaining the jazzy noir stylistic sense of its other peers the films aesthetic is slick. Slick with blood and vengeance no strange to classic samurai films as this aesthetic is overshadowed by Goemons persistence in the Bushidos Code. The film sheds no greater light on Goemons past than what we already know for his cool silent character. However perhaps this is as much as we need to know.
Silent Violence
Stacked with consistently fluid bold action sequences headed by Takeshi Koikehttps://anilist.co/staff/105231/TakeshiKoike the eyecandy of violence validates Goemons character. Not subject to whim or calculation like his future partnerin=crimes Goemon is as linear as 180. His honor comes before his life even before the expected fleshing of his past in this film. Even for an unnamed crime boss with less than 20 minutes of screentime before his death Goemon unhesitatingly follows bloody vengeance in stride. Really nothing else or no one else actually matters in this film not Lupins shenanigans Zenigatas hunt or the aftermath of the crime organizations. These 53 minutes are dedicated purely to Goemon fulfilling a samurais loyalty.
And as Ive said this subtext isnt profound yet this simplicity echoes loudly with Goemons actions. Vengeance and spirit broken once upon defeat paid back twofold in the rematch finale. Mixed inbetween its criminal not to mention unarguably the apex of the film. A classic One Man Armyhttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OneManArmy sequence of Goemon silently slicing dozens of criminal clan members after honing his senses in training with tranquil music trailing by indicating the divine stateofmind hes reached. Although not the finale fight it checks off every classic jidaigeki finale fight condition buildup tension payoff and an adrenaline overdose of violence and gore. Although this hype does impede the actual finale fight with Hawk a bit but is nonetheless a great finish to this tale. The keyanimation finishing Goemons tale of vengeance and honor on a dramatic highnote. Indeed plot points are left unanswered but that matters none in the face of the path of honor and violence that Goemon treads in this film.
The Lupin III franchise has become my favorite in recent years. Usually slick with episodic gags and amusement Goemons Bloodspray is a thrilling deter with its stone bloody demeanor befitting of its archaic protagonist. Fans and firsttime watchers are equally welcomed as this film doesnt possess any relevant plot context with the main story besides character dynamics. Directed by REDLINEhttps://anilist.co/anime/11483/REDLINE/s Takeshii Koike an abundance of eyegasms is assured with frequent action and fight sequences and phenomenal effects design.
While being extremely entertaining and exciting Goemons Bloodspray does a better job at characterizing Goemon than what normal character past exploration could offer. A tale of vendetta and blood suits the quiet archaic and deadly man that Goemon Ishikawa XIII is. Oh and this is where the gif of Fujiko taking a bong hit originates from.