If I were to describe this series Id describe it as a mixture of Ernest Clines Ready Player One and George Orwells 1984 but in a very kidfriendly sense. It tackles themes of a futuristic world of augmented reality and information control and in a sense it almost has me fearing if this kind of world is what well see in the future.
In a nutshell Yurei Deco is set in a world filled with advanced technology where people see the world through Deco which is a compulsory piece of equipment for citizens that allows them to see things in augmented reality. The other function of Deco is for the Customer Center which is basically the government to keep tabs on all its citizens. If you dont have a Deco youre considered to be dead or nonexistent or a Yurei as this show describes the phenomenon as. The main character Berry has a broken Deco so she can see some things that the citizens cant see such as the Yurei. Through this Berrys mundane life expands and a scifi adventure of mystery and exploration begins.
My grading criteria: Story: /25 Art: /10 Music: /10 Characters: /20 Enjoyment /15 Thematic Execution /20
STORY: 13.5/25
The story is interesting and relatable to a degree because there are quite a few parallels to modern society such as the love system which resembles social media likes and also seems like some type of currency or social status. It also has me thinking if the future could be like this with higherups choosing what we see and dont see. Heck that might be happening already who knows? Overall its quite simple as most of the series is focused on solving mysteries and also trying to figure out who Phantom Zero is along with the Zero Phenomenon which reduces the love of every person and object down to zero.
The issue I have with the story is that its rather underdeveloped. The love system and the world itself are a bit underexplained and I think that took away from the intrigue I had at the start of the show. With the simplicity of the premise it wasnt very engaging all the way through but it definitely had its good moments.
ART: 7.4/10
I find the colour palette to be quite nice and refreshing but the character designs left a bit to be desired. It has the Science Saru touch to it and you can almost feel that Masaaki Yuasa was directing this but it seemed a bit watered down and less jarring compared to his works.
MUSIC: 8/10
The OST isnt too noticeable but there are some good spots of music here and there. Opening and ending are solid and I enjoyed them as well.
The characters are pretty nice as well and fun to watch. They each have their unique personalities and in some cases some emotional backstories as well. Berry and Hack bounce off each other pretty well since theyre both curious mischievous and want to have fun. They even have unique ways of speech which was pretty memorable. Finn was a good character too with a good backstory and I like the quietness of his character. Not much to really talk about here since the characters are pretty simplistic.
ENJOYMENT: 10.2/15
Not every part of the show was the most engaging but I found some episodes to be quite the watch.
I like what the show was going for but some times the themes just werent executed the greatest. I saw a lack of direction in the story themes sometimes but this show executes the fun factor and some of the tech factors decently.
OVERALL: 64.5/100
This show was good but it could have been much better with a bit more depth and a better direction to the story. Overall just a simple fun show that wont have you at the edge of your seat or anything but will have you intrigued at times.