What happened to this series? Well I hardly know myself. Seven Deadly Sins: Prisoners of the Sky is one of the most disappointing anime movies I have ever watched. The excitement from the SDS series put my expectations higher than expected for this movie. I can see why the studio let them go after the movie flopped hard. Anyways I will get on with the actual review. Animation The animation seems decent to me and only heightens when the ending battle begins with Meliodas and Bellion. Though there were some parts of the animation that seemed not particularity on movie level. The movie seems to be on par with the shows animation season 1 and 2 that is but isnt this supposed to be a movie? Movies are supposed to give the most amount of attention behind the scenes because if you are putting it in the big screen we expect some quality especially the budget with the story and animation. The animation is a 7/10 like I said its like the earlier seasons of SDS but I expected it to be more spectacular more movielike for example Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Silent Voice or Jujutsu Kaisen 0. I just expected it to be more fluid. Story Oh boy dont get me started. This isnt even a story its just filler. There is no context to the story that translates to the worldbuilding of the SDS series. Besides even if it is filler and some anime movies are actually filler MHA its some pretty dogshit filler compared to lets say MHA. MHA has 2 filler movies but they at least try with their source material and translate well into the My Hero verse but the SDS movie does not and let me explain. SDS Prisoners of the Sky is about Meliodas encountering a clone of him but not just a clone a clone that is the OPPOSITE of him as well as some of the cast and go on an adventure to help the sky people defeat demons. For an anime that has gained a good reputation for awhile this plot is pretty generic and stupid in my opinion why add the opposite version of Meliodas? Oh I know why so the big baddies can come but if the series is all about fantasy why would they need the opposites plot so the story can go forward? The big bads can come from a distant country or planet to gain something or anything. The anime is a FANTASY which means any mythical creature or being is already normal in the SDS universe so why add the pussy version of Meliodas to come along? I dont know that opposites plot just seems to be out of nowhere and executed horribly. Not only that but the story is a slog to go through. The scenes are long and has a lot of exposition. The whole movie was just so BORING that I nearly fell asleep twice as fast as when I watched Fairytale and Pokemon Sun and Moon. The only good part was the ending where Meliodas has to fight the big bad Bellion and the goons when. The story overall is generic and a slog to go through. Character Now I know the main characters of the movie because I watched the anime and they seemed fine I will go through a better explanation of their characters in the 1st season review of the show. Aside from the main cast I HATE Solaad and Elliate they entire review I called them opposites because thats all what they are JUST OPPOSITES. They have no character traits that make them a little more relatable or at least better than I am the opposite of you therefore I will act what opposites do BITCH THESE GUYS....ARE PUSSIES. They just get on my nerrrvvvesssss bro they are too goody two shoes for anyone to enjoy. Their overwhelming innocence reminds me of SPONGEBOB THEY JUST T THEY JUST MAKE ME WANNA WANNA REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ahem sorry folks that was very unprofessional of me now lets move on to the villians. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well the lil goons in the movie are literally nothing like they just die they just get their asses clapped by Meliodas faster than my grandmas whip. They do NO DAMAGE now moving on to Bellion ... MAN HE BORING AS SHIT. The amount of times I have seen this type of villian is unmatched Disney villains are better than this shit. This smurf looking ass really is just a mustache twirling villain literally is just doing shit for power like we havent seen that for the billionth time. The characters introduced in the movie are garbage case closed. Voice acting soundtrack and more As usual the Japanese voice actors prove their talent even in a soulless disappointing franchise which is why they deserve the world making these characters come to life. I have heard the dub sometimes when I am busy and its mediocre at best but not so atrocious except some characters but its passable. The soundtrack is what hits no matter the season or movie banger after banger from the man himself Hiroyuki Sawano this man never misses and I respect him for putting in the work. As for other things most of this review is just my personal opinion so if you like this movie thats fine I like to exaggerate my thoughts as well to make the reviews seem less boring as this is my first review. As for remaining thoughts man this franchise really fell off and when it did is at exactly when this movie came out and ever since then it has been on a downward spiral I havent even finished season 3 and I dont plan to. In some universe out there the franchise is perfect and got the reputation it deserved as well as a better studio. Anyways I might write another review tomorrow idk Ill think on it but as for now that is it peace.
40 /100
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