Okay so this is my first review so here I go
220https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/manga/1/264019.jpg Beautiful Art Btw
Okay so boom lets get into it. Colorless girl. I believe that this the first review for this manhwa. I just want to start by saying that this is an amazing piece of work. It captures the dark aspects of life and just brings it out to you with no warning whatsoever.
Okay so this is where the spoilers BEGIN. Read at your own risk :
JinA Girl with depression
EunWooDude tryna help
Okay so first is the Story...
JinAs Back story is tragic. Okey so Boom. JinA a very Quiet girl that sits by herself at the Back of class. When she was young her Parents never paid as much attention to her. All the attention always went to her Younger twin brother whose name I do not remember... Well that made her introverted and Quiet till in Junior High when she meet her best friend forgot her name. Well lets call her Ema. Okay so Ema had been going through the same deal in her life and could relate to what JinA was going through. One day JinA came to school only to learn that her friend had died from suicide. When JinA was asked if she knew of this she said that she didnt know who Emma was. And then depression doubt and self hate kicked in. Skip through most of the chapters going back. Sitting at the Back on the classroom is JinA and her new Table seat partner EunWoo. Well he tries to be friends with JinA but at the beginning its not really working out. On a Tuesday EunWoo finds JinA out of class in the Library alone. Thats when JinA Shares that shes gonna Kill Herself Now if that were me personally i wouldnt let that slide all jokes aside EunWoo took that seriously and told her to call him when she planned on doing so. Well I think you should read this for yourself because there are a lot of things I left out Not like I havent said too much already
Well there isnt much Character development in most of the characters except for JinA who later fell in love with the EunWoo...
Why my rating is what it is
My rating is a 95 not because of the art or story or i donno ... its because of how short it is. Though the story does fit the length still wished it was longer
Well i guess this is the end of this review. I doubt this will be read by a lot of people seeing how unpopular this manhwa is but if u read this thank youuu. I know this is probably very hard to read and understand but im learning how to write better reviews. As i said this is my very first one and i wish to get better. Well thanks for reading. I have a lot of manhwa manga and manhua on my profile so check it out :
STORY 10/10
ART 10/10
There is barely any color.. But yall read manga so yall will be fine