TLDR below
Psychological A Genre of story where characters face problems that are psychologically haunting. Also seen in thriller or suspense stories.
Tomodachi Game follows a group of 5 friends who one day have found themselves in a white room and were forced to play a debt repayment game with multiple rounds/levels. The only way to win this game is to Trust Your Friends. If not something unthinkable happens and its not just the crippling debt.
A good psychological Anime explores the mental state of a said character when thrown in a scenario where they have to endure a lot of mental damage like Stress/Anxiety/Fear/Depression etc. Tomodachi Game does this but very poorly. Its a death game that is as basic and generic as possible. Yuuichi the OP protagonist everyone knows about Kokorogi the typical bigrack damsel in distress who loves the MC Shiho the bossy strong girl character that lasted only for 6 episodes whos supposedly crazy in the head Shibe the typical goof with a lot of head weight and Tenji by far the only decent character in the entire show. This Anime suffers from what I like to call as an Ugly Face Syndrome. They throw in an ugly face of a said character to show how mentally fucked up the characters are which brings the shock value and creates tension. This isnt exactly a bad thing some of my favorite Anime Boogiepop Kaiji for example use the same trick but they succeed in doing so because they let you perceive the inner conflict of the said character in the said situation but Tomodachi Game fails to achieve this. It just shows this bunch of overthetop characters evil plans with exaggerated facial expressions and its for nothing but just pure shock value because it carries no weight when you havent established the inner conflict or given any solid reason to care for these characters. Tenji is the only one who had something of a flashback which fleshed out him a bit and made him into a decent character.
Basic generic characters with no proper characterization makes for a poorly written psychological show. Its no different from an edgy death game Anime except we have a lot of ugly faces here instead of a lot of gore.
The MC antics might carry the show for you.
Is it full of flaws? Yes.
So its not entertaining? No.
It IS entertaining. If youre here for entertainment then the Anime is covered like many.
Cocky characters who exist only to be crushed by the MC sexy female characters who are ready to fawn over him a plot with ridiculously high stakes only for our MC to break with simple logic a catchy opening and a levelheaded MC with just the right amount of mystery surrounding his past with a believable weakness atleast makes Tomodachi Game an entertaining Anime.