We may be like this but if we dont give up we will surely reach the dream stage Koshien Jyosei Private Academy. After it changed its policy and became a cutthroat academic elite school its once powerful baseball team has become weak with only four members left. However baseball maniac Ruito Hibino has a secret plan Aiming for Koshien is an amateur tagteam of misfits? Straight from the bottom of hell A straightforward tale of baseball played by hated people
Irregulars is pretty much your runofthemill sports manga that employs the classic declining sports teamhttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SaveOurTeam trope where it struggles to get enough members and only dreams of returning to the former glory of its heyday era but with a strong emphasis on the concept behind it being touted as the team that was hated throughout Japan. The story kicks off with a ragtag team of 3 misfitshttps://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RagtagBunchOfMisfits short of the 9 people needed for a proper baseball team and this restriction is the only one holding the MC Hibino back. Hes an ambitious aspiring baseball player who wants to go to Koshien no matter what and hes determined to get there with the joint team with Meikyo. The first chapter itself finishes off with such a joint team partnership between two schools of which Hibino has to play baseball with the delinquents who ganged up on him as well as the baseball prodigy that turned rough who saved him.
The other two misfits arent as interesting of a character as Hibino so far as Hibino himself has the quirkiest trait of being dead set on baseball itself. The story advances towards slowly getting the team members to play baseball together while making it seem near impossible leaving each chapter super tense as Hibinos dumb idealism seems to pay off well in the end. Its so satisfying to see the characters go from aggressive cynicism to breaking into a smirk or sharing the same joy Hibino emanates from playing baseball. Seeing how Hibino decides to face the repercussions of his nave idealism would be the highlight of this story at this point which makes this story less about the game and more about the characters themselves meaning to say that its less a plot driven story but a character focused one.
Since at the point of reviewing only 5 chapters have been translated out of 32 Im also going to read ahead in Japanese there isnt much to say but such a story has a lot of potential due to the whole concept behind it which Im expecting that each delinquent member of the team would eventually change for the better and bring Jsei to Koshien as shown in the first colour spread in the first chapter with everyone donning their uniforms at what Im guessing would be Koshien.
Definitely do check this out to find out if it does live up to the prologue as a tale that drove the entirety of Japan into a frenzy