A pitiful attempt but I tried review: Firstly I apologise I suck at writing essays and that includes chalking a perfect review as well. Nevertheless I am leaving a review for whoever comes across to read my scrap. I absolutely adored this manga and it pains me seeing the almost barren review section. My Capricorn Friend left me speechless melancholic urgetofindaYuuya and smiling?.This 7 chapter long fiction beautifully written with a surreal mixture of reality and fantasy might not be the best manga ever but it nails in what it wanted to be. First chapter in and I was already absorbed into the story. 2220https://i.ur.com/uR04UK6.jpg The floor where the mc Yuuya lives is unusually windy and all sorts of eccentric materials would be cluttered at his balcony be it a living dog journal from the early 40s or the future. The deuteragonist Wakatsuki is a victim of bullying silently watched by a helpless Yuuya. He is bullied by the notorious guy of the story who is rumored to be be the reason a girl ended up committing suicide and a female teacher stopped coming to school. Based off a future newspaper article Yuuya was already aware about the forthcoming murder involved with his school but little did he expect Wakatsuki greeting him holding a blood splattered bat in middle of the night. What are you going to do from now on? I thought I am going to run away. Dont you want to turn yourself in? Someday. A casual chitchat between them both of them baded each other goodbye wishing a goodluck farewell they proceeded to go opposite paths till Yuuya stopped him: the initiation of everything. 2220https://i.ur.com/LGfTCAV.jpg The slight touch of mystery spices up the story more apart from the already serenethrill adventure of the two runaways. Every character introduced plays a crucial role to connect the big reveal. Although many can criticise that the manga has a lot of unanswered questions but I believe its for the best this made it more thoughtful letting us readers have our minds wander. Art? The art is pretty. The characters are well drawn and the surroundings too clean for a rather depressing readhonestly i love this style. A manga necessarily do not need to be hundred chapters long or perhaps butter up with gibberishsupposedtobetoophilosophical dialogues to be considered thought provoking. My Capricorn Friend is a simple read it delivers a heavy story with a fleeting calm start to finish. You are reading the manga in desperate hope so Wakatsuki lives. You read about their hopeless journey and before you realise you are already attached to their story. Do I recommend this manga? Yes 100.
100 /100
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