I cant believe I managed to suffer through 10 chapters of this before cringing hard enough that my soul departed from my body allowing me 100 million years to contemplate all the ways in which this lacks value only to realize at the very last second that the proper answer to this is that you should count the positives which still only gives you an ultra concise answer of: its a fantasy show with a semioriginal world. Semioriginal by 2020 standards mind you.
There are about 3 characters by the time you reach chapter 10 theres the ultra generic including hentai protagonist look nice guy MC who supposedly remembers things from 100 million years back all the way down to the names faces and voices of unnamed side characters theres the 2 horny girls which only count as 1 because they have the same personality and then there is the principal/director who is implied to be a sadistic fuck and who enjoys manipulating students into quarrels for the sake of entertainment.
Next come the side characters that are basically written like extras for a movie as in they arent written at all. Theres a constant hive mind established in both the schools the MC goes to defining how things are going and how hes perceived. A bullied person would never be famous for being bullied and not all people would take part in bullying even if there was an easy target. There is also the really nice implication that talent is everything which is oh so commonly advertised as though it were part of reality. Our mans literally spending 100 million years practicing something he supposedly was talentless in and incredibly passionate about and he barely outdoes the top of the school level didnt actually read the whole tournament arc but our mans taking the trophy either way
Finally theres the things that have been implied thus far the main characters mom and some other person knew something about the 100 million year buttonperson so there is atleast a setup made for the next arc after the tournament arc that literally starts from chapter 9 just to make sure the characters were well introduced.
Seeing something I who pride myself in my capability to read practically anything to the point where I named my manga list alt warmtrash to allow me to better keep track of all the garbage tier entertainment I burn through have this easy of a time criticizing is refreshing. It makes me feel as though there is actually development Ive made about my understanding of garbage shows.
TLDR: There is no character writing the notes of the author probably have characters defined as briefly as possible in ways such as MCkun DoS hentai gakuinchoumama horny for MC and lastly princess+horny for MC. This is obviously liked by people because titties and the art is nice albeit generic.
I personally believe this is the first time on a scale of 0100 that I can with good conscience give a rating under 30 while also keeping myself to a strict objectivity standard. I dont usually vote because my belief is that 50 or the center of the measurement should mean average and 100 should mean perfect but truly managing to produce anything above 75 or below 25 is a writing work worth deeper analysis in its own right for either all the wrong or all the right reasons but this show truly is so poorly written that cancelling it would measurably lower suicide rates among people who have picked it up.
If the writing were any worse Id say its campy and starting to produce a new type of charm once again disallowing me from scoring it by voting due to the ultrasubjective nature of campy media affecting the my capability to be objective about it most likely negatively.