This entire Among Us oneshot is basically how rounds with my own friends would go. Voting each other out based on utter inanities. Friends losing the will to live and committing apoptosis. Using the game as an excuse to goof off rather than as a legitimate test of social deduction skills. Dialogue is silly and pointless but very cute. Egg is unironically my favorite character. I do not regret spending three minutes of my life reading this. ...Wait. Reviews need to be 2200 characters before I can publish it? WTF? Theres like no analytical content left to extract this is literally a manga about Among Us. ... Welp. Ive made it this far. I guess Ill just pull some stuff out of my ass so I can pad out this review. Spoilers ahead. Our story opens with an introduction of our titular protagonist Egg. Like any sane person hes discovered his motivation for living his raison dtre: to win a game of Among Us. But Eggs personality is far more twisted than you realize... This tonal shift is nothing short of genius. On the outside Egg symbolizes innocence and naivete presenting himself as a kindred soul. But on the inside Egg is a murderer masking his diabolical nature. His meek and mild mannerisms are nothing but a farce alluding to his warped desires and manipulative heart. But can you blame him? In a way Egg is a reflection of ourselves. For example when we submit a job resume we try to present ourselves as a great candidate for the job. Deep down in our hearts though we couldnt care less about doing our best work and being a valuable asset for the company. Were in it for the paycheck. In that sense dont we all have ulterior motives? Arent we all impostors? What truly elevates this Among Us manga to GOAT status though is the following scene: Here we see Egg utilizing a remarkable tactic: the AFK strat. This is when you pretend to have left your keyboard while playing Among Us. This implicitly proves you are not the impostor since you were not present at the keyboard to commit the crimes. Its subtle but this scene is actually taking a jab at established shounen tropes. In many shounen the protagonist often gains an unrealistic surge in strength and stamina via the power of flashbacks or friendship dubbed Nakama power by the anime community. But the AFK strat is not Nakama power its a real strategy used by Among Us professionals. This realism is what makes the Among Us oneshot so immersive. I hope that Ive established that Among Us is not just a thorough deconstruction of the shounen genre its a subversive masterpiece. This is the kind of manga that we will remember fondly twenty years from now up there with Berserk and Vagabond. From its thematic resonance to its gripping story Among Us is a manga that will be etched into our hearts forever.
100 /100
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