Say what you want about anime but this industry has drawn us in in many different ways thats why were all here. We all have something in life that we love more than anything and a lot of the time we have things that we try to forget that we love. Bakuman is a wonderfully crafted story about friendship love and chasing your dreams.
It starts off with Mashiro Moritaka the nephew of a popular mangaka who created super hero legends. In the show it is a very popular kids anime. Mashiro wants to be a mangaka like his uncle until his uncle sadly passes away from overwork. From this point Mashiro then decides to give up on his dreams to become a mangaka and is later convinced by his classmate Takagi Akito to draw the stories he writes. This doesnt even cover Azuki Miho Mashiros childhood crush who he promises to marry if she voice acts in their anime. From this moment on you slowly get introduced to multiple different manga in the show and almost every single manga in the show is something I would genuinely love to read.
This is just one of the multiple manga in the show that have amazing premises that really hook you into watching more. Seeing these main characters come up with multiple ideas and seeing the full process of how these manga are made is very fun to watch and I have to say that one of the best things about this anime is the originality.
The rivals in this series also add to the plot without being annoying like other rivals and thats something to praise on its own. Some of the rivals even go through their own development as characters and slowly become better people while also adding to the story and making each interaction better and better. It also feels like there isnt any wasted character in this show. Any character that seems like theyre going to be important stays important somewhere else in the show.
I loved every moment of this anime and by the end of the show I became attached to the characters more than I ever thought I would be. I even cried at the finales moment where the main characters finally achieve their dream. There are some moments where the characters dont feel real but overall I think the characters are presented extremely well and they were incredibly enjoyable to watch and follow. The journey of watching the main characters become real mangakas was incredible and if I could experience this for the first time again I would in a heartbeat. I love Bakuman and it is one of my favorite shows of all time and it will always be one of my favorites. This is a big recommendation for any anime fan for me and a mustwatch for those who want to know about the creation process for manga. My score for Bakuman 3 is a score for the entire show.