Scorching Ping Pong Girls
Ill start off the review by noting I 100 understand it is cringe to relate this to Ping Pong the Animation as they do not tackle the same fundamental ideas in the show but with that being said there definitely are things I can connect and relate. I will also say that I understand that this show is truly the definition of Cute Girls Doing Cute Things but I dont think that it gives it a pass from being critiqued or analyzed. I found watching it to be actually enjoyable and thought it was well done for a simpler show.
I think its important to note what sparks the general idea behind the entire story of the show what gives way to the character developments in the show I will ignore the ACTUAL opening to the show as it is meaningless and is ignored throughout the rest of the show it was probably made to be covered in a future season but that never came into fruition. The show opens by introducing Agari who has a sort of superiority complex which was based on an early onset need for success as explained by the show My parents named me Agari for rise hoping that Id rise to the top. Due to failure in everything outside of ping pong she holds her place as 1 on her team in ping pong very strongly and when Koyori comes in to question this idea everything falls apart for her. The end of the second episode highlights this by showing that Agari has completely given up practicing her normal way as a result of It doesnt result in enough winners winning shots. This dismissal of the idea of the fun of a sport simply to be replaced by the need to rise to the top is exactly what the show focuses on Agari has dismissed her own way of playing the port the way that she had grown to love the sport in order to just have a competitive edge that wasnt working.
The show itself is pretty straight forward as far as team play sports goes it doesnt push boundaries too hard but it has a key focus. This key idea of focus on the creation of your own brand of ping pong and enjoying what you do is the main point of focus in this entire show. Koyori is the perfect example of this as she is introduced as an incredibly strong ping pong player who only plays the game for the joy of feeling her opponents heart race aka the enjoyment of the game in itself. This show really throws this idea onto you and is really bashed in as the only real focal point I would say as far as general theming in the show. The show doesnt try to be too deep and thats completely fine it is a short show that highlights competitiveness and the need for people to truly enjoy what they are competing in in order to have a clear head. Focusing on yourself and improvement can come at the same time as enjoying the game which Koyori shows in the show.
This is where I will relate this show to Ping Pong the Animation where I will be reusing wording from my comment on the show I already wrote. The relationship between Agari and Koyori reminds me a bit of Peco and Smile the reason being that Koyori reopens Agaris eyes to the joys of ping pong as a sport not just for the idea of winning in itself. This is in contrast to the idea of Peco being the hero for Smile Smile only played Ping Pong because of his idolization of Peco and because of this he was able to enjoy his own time and really grow with Ping Pong. You see this relation with Agari and her lack of joy in Ping Pong when Smile realizes Peco doesnt try anymore the hero that he once idolized had gone missing and he no longer saw a point in playing the game besides to kill time.
While Agari did not play to kill time and instead played just solely to win without enjoying any of the basic fundamentals of the game the push from Koyori whos entire being and character is portrayed around the idea of the enjoyment of the game itself which like in the article I will link below connects with the return of the hero Finally Peco remembers that key bit of wisdom from his childhood. Its not about being the best the strongest the hero. Its so much more pure than that It turns out ping pong is fun When Peco realizes the fun in the sport again Smiles leitmotif of the idea of the Hero plays again seeing the return of the hero and the return of the enjoyment of Ping Pong.
Koyoris character is basically like Pecos without the slump or depression arc where she quits the game. She opens the eyes of everyone around her to the enjoyment of ping pong itself like Peco did with Smile like Peco did with Kazama like Peco did with Sakuma. Peco is an the positive being in the show that needed to refind his potential and who he is why he plays the game and Koyori is the person who helps others realize why they play the game.
The creation of the path to which others realize why they play the game is the key focus at the very end of the show. They play the game to enjoy it and they play the game to connect with those around them as it is a team sport. The show is concluded in a weird way in my opinion as it is set up to be a sort of training arc for the main arc of the show which would be the tournament arc but it is ended early as I believe the show was not given another season due to popularity or something of the sort. With that being said I actually did enjoy the conclusion to this show. I think it did a great job of highlighting the idea that you do not NEED to win to enjoy the sport you are playing everyone plays the sport their own way and the connections you make the way you play the game and the enjoyment for the game itself is what truly matters. The end of the show stresses that fact and concludes these general ideas in a good way setting up for a tournament in what wouldve been the next season and also creating good connections between characters.
The show has a lot of issues as far as characters go as every character is pretty one dimensional and there is fundamentally no character growth beyond people learning to enjoy the game more. Agari is one of two characters that has this sort of switch and Agaris character development is done very early on. All of the main characters have a lot of screen time and are fun characters that are cute and thats all theyre meant to be there is not too much seriousness or anything to the show and thats fine.
There definitely is some more serious parts of the show though Hokuto was someone who was forced into isolation after she had no time to hang out with friends as she worked in her families store but Hanabi was there to fill that void and become her friend enjoying ping pong alognside her. The asme goes for Kururi who is the other character which I would say has any sort of character development that actually happens in the plotline of the show. Kururi comes from a prestigious ping pong team and as a result her skill above everyone else and forcing everyone else to try to improve to her level leaves her also isolated and alone except for Zakuro who sticks around and actually loves the fundamental style of ping pong that Kururi plays. This leads her to feel as if she is indebt to Zakuro and has to win in order to keep her respect which is proven wrong after she loses her match against Koyori as Zakuro comforts her and she realizes she does not have to pay a price to have friends she can just be herself and everything is fine.
Beyond these few ideas there isnt really much going on as far as relative importance of characters as every character is pretty one dimensional. This is fine as it is just a CGDCT show where the idea is you feel good about the relationship the characters have with each other and thats okay
Sound Design
The sound design in the show is perfectly fine imo its not over the top and has the fundamentals down as far as ping pong goes. The voice acting is fine and meant to just have cute characters the soundtrack is fast paced and suprisingly distorted at times which I actually do think is a benefit to the show itself as in more unique. I was questioning the connection of this more distorted electronic style of music with ping pong as PPtA does the same thing but I believe its simply part of ping pong being a very fast paced sport in general. There isnt too much to complain about as there isnt really anything too standout in the sound department.
When it comes to animation I always tend to look at things from a few angles uniqueness effort vs era and fluidity. To be completely honest I dont think this show really stands out in any of these few specific factors besides maybe fluidity there is not real uniqueness to the animation quality the animation as far as the era its in is pretty bland which is fine its a cutesy show and it highlights the cute factors and the fluidity fluctuates quite a bit. I would say in general as a sports show it does a good job of having fluidity in shots during the actual gameplay and sometimes it actually looks rotoscoped which I think is an interesting touch.
Final Analysis
At the end of the day this show depicts cute girls playing ping pong with eachother and in being a cute show it highlights the fun and enjoyment of sports. There is no deep fundamental question about why do we play but instead sort of pushes an idea onto you of just enjoying what you do no deeper meaning is needed. The show ends highlighting this factor and while I feel it makes the very start of the show useless Im sure it was meant to be expanded upon. This show was cute and does its job as a sports show well so I cant hate too much. Im feeling a light 6.5/10 on this one. Transition have you given this show your vision? Did you love it did you hate it what would you rate it? Youre the best youre the best. What should I review next?