This is a very pleasant anime but it is truly a shame it is only one 15 minute episode. Why wasnt this a series? It had a lot going for it in this small sample and could have potentially been something great. Its got great comedy much if it being Minamis struggle to hit the ball right nice character designs and decent animation they even threw in a bath scene for those types of viewers and some really good and catchy music. That ending song is very good and is still stuck in my head at the moment. The characters for being in just this one short episode already managed to establish themselves as likeable people. Minami might be a really insecure girl going into high school but looking at the golf ball near her get shot up into the air makes it the first time she takes a glance at the sky from what I am assuming is coming from her constant shrugging after she started classes. It is the golf sport that gives her motivation and drive in life. Even if she doesnt reach her end goal when she plays she appreciates the progress and growth she makes along the way. She becomes committed to becoming a better golfer. I suppose thats something to think about. During all this her friends motivate her and become a great support force.
The very competent staff involved with this will also have another 15 minute segment where they will talk about this anime. Keto Saitou is a celebrated animator for work in anime such as Kill la Kill Little Witch Academia and InouBattle wa Nichijoukei no Naka de. Script writer Kota Nozomi doesnt have much anime credit but has authored several manga. And storyboard staff member Akira Amemiya is an animator/director praised for his work on SSSS.Gridman SSSS.Dynazenon Kill la Kill as well and Tengen Toppa GurrenLagann.
Already and evidently so there is a lot of frustration that this stopped here and it will be scored low and bashed as a result of this. I for one would have loved to see more about Minamis life and the struggles she is having besides just her struggle to be a great golf player. There wasnt much on her friends but at least they are a nice supportive group for her.
I for one dont care about sports or golf but this if it was meant to be fleshed out into a series might have changed that. Thats one of the wonders anime can do: it makes me love things I never cared about. I never cared about cars or street racing but Initial D changed that. I never cared for boxing or sports but Ashita no Joe changed that. I thought what could I ever get from a series involving ping pong? But Ping Pong The Animation changed that.
Theres not really much to say about this besides that but it was a nice treat.