Legend of the northern blade is arguably one of the top martial arts murim inspired manhwa out there. It takes inspiration and popular concepts from different cultivation and martial arts manhwa and manga and executes it astonishingly. The series contains many small unique components that separate it from the sea of manhwa from the same genre. This review presumes that the reader has read the synopsis and has some general knowledge about murim and martial arts manhwa from other read works. Initially what catches your attention is not the common occurring setting or the story but the art style. Characters have defined and rough features akin to some cartoons like Samurai Jack. The color pallet is bleak most of the time which suits the overall feeling of the world that is explored. Because of this when there are bright colors present like blood fire or unique features/clothing it stands out more. While the art is clean to follow it still has plenty and relevant details many martial arts manhwa miss. 300https://i.ur.com/wER50dL.png Something that can be overlooked but is prevalent in LOTNB is the many panels of the vast landscape. It is a tiny detail that provides perspective and insight into the scenery around the characters. It can be anything from a large desolate field to big cities and forests. The author uses the terrain to show the impact of the fights and devastation brought by them. This isnt something exclusive to LOTNB however when combined with its distinct bleak art style makes for some brilliant scenes. The manhwa isnt afraid of being raw and brutal with the fights. It isnt uncommon that characters get literally obliterated from existence in an instance leaving nothing but a pool of blood behind. Yet there are as many longlasting elegantly illustrated fights as massacres. The prolonged fights are fluent and natural to the point that they almost feel animated which is a strong point only a few other manhwa within the same genre can compete with. 720https://i.ur.com/C6HfF1V.png All the things mentioned so far appeal to readers that only seek the battles and fights but there is more LOTNB than that. The storyline is typical for this archetype but the strength of the manhwa lies in its characters and their interactions in pursuit of their goals. The main character MooWon Jin while strong is understandably and reasonably powerful within the realm of his position and world. Which can seem like a redundant thing to point out. However it is a common occurrence in especially in murim martial arts manhwa that the main protagonist has some cheat system or something similar. Usually this leads to the detriment of character growth and a lack of recognition of their efforts. Jin doesnt fall into the trap of being a onedimensional good or evil character either. There is consistent reasoning and consideration for most actions and he isnt oblivious to other characters intentions around him. 300https://i.ur.com/LGOyEzm.png Revenge being one of the major plotlines comes with the risk of destroying the pacing and flow of the story with a mindless and fixated chase after revenge which many works fall into. Whats great about LOTNB is that the story progression doesnt seem forced nor that revenge is the only thing that Jin is thinking about. The adequate pacing gives time for the readers to understand and follow Jin on his journey but also to develop a connection to the strong side cast. The big majority of the side cast is likable and each one with their own specialties and quirks. All the characters introduced are providing to the story. Some have of course more importance than others but they are all developing along with the story as it progresses. Ultimately is this manhwa for everyone? No however even if you dont enjoy this type of genre I strongly believe that this is an enjoyable read that you shouldnt be sleeping on. In case you are already familiar with similar works then this is a must read. The work provides nothing brand new but it tweaks and applies existing elements in the best possible way. Edit: After having finished it now I feel like the ending was a bit rushed and the last two big fights could have been done way better but overall pretty good manhwa.
90 /100
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